Tuesday 9 October 2012

NOTD Revlon Watermelon Fizz and Raspberry Rapture

When I was around L's the other day I raided her collection to paint my nails. She posted the Raspberry shade last week.

I love the scented nail varnishes. I love the novelty of your nails smelling nice. They start to smell when they dry and these really smell like the scent they say and it actually lasts. I couldn't decide between the two so decided to just do both of them.

The polishes are great quality and I only used one coat of both. It's hard to show in the photo. The watermelon fizz gave the bright pink of raspberry rapture a glittery red shade.

For a glitter polish it has a really opaque finish and gives a great coverage. I love both of these and really want to get them. 

I love the way they look together on the nail and they both look pretty on there own too. 

I want to try more of the scented polishes and more Revlon polishes in general. Especially the gel shine ones.  Revlon is such a great brand that both L and I are really loving at the moment. They have great foundations, primers and lip products that have caught my attention at the moment.

Love M



Monday 8 October 2012


As I was getting ready the other day I really liked what I was wearing so I snapped a few quick photos and decided to share it on here. Hope you like it.

I was lucky enough to win this gorgeous Adorning Ava spike necklace a while back from the lovely Sera from The Agoraphobic Fashionista, if you don't already read her blog it's a great one to check out. When she told me I'd won I was so pleased as it's a necklace I adore and it's the first spike thing I own. I love that it's bright colours and brightens up any outfit. You can purchase it for a very reasonable £8. It's a necklace I wear a lot when I'm having a lazy day. I also love that Adorning Ava offer free delivery. It always makes me more likely to order from a company.

I'm currently really lusting this gorgeous necklace. For £10 you can't go wrong. It's a simple statement necklace that you could wear with anything and make it look very this season!! link here

Oops dirty mirror. So the rest of my outfit was a new blazer picked up in the New Look Sale. I really like this one. I only wish it had a button. It's black with a very subtle navy dog tooth pattern. I absolutely adore the cut of it. Even though it's one that stays open it's still cut to flatter you. Annoyingly I can't find it online but it was reduced to £15 and is still in some stores.

I wore a simple black long t shirt underneath. I prefer to wear a longer cut top with skinny jeans.

The skinny jeans are one of my new favourite purchases. If you are a regular reader of my wishlist you'll know coloured skinny jeans have appeared in them regularly  Well I finally have a pair and they are a gorgeous wine/pink red and were a bargain £14.

They have them in lots of colours. I would say if you can fit in the size down go for it as they tend to get a little bit baggy towards the end of the day. I plan to pick these up in more colours soon. They are comfy and sit a bit higher on the waist so you don't have to worry about bending over and having the gapping at the back.

Have you got coloured skinnies? Do you own spike necklaces? I'm loving them.

Love M



Sunday 7 October 2012

Review: Mac MSF in Soft and Gentle

When L broke my Mac virginity back in March this was one of the first products that caught my eye as we browsed the counter. I was drawn to the pretty shimmer and was just discovering highlighters and the wonder of them at this point. This is a hugely popular Mac product and well known in the blogger world and in my opinion one well worth the hype.

It is my beautiful Mac Mineralize Skin Finish in Soft and Gentle. Excuse the messy package it is now 6 months old.  It retails for £21.50 (here). It's a soft powder with a baked texture. For the price you get loads of product. After using it every day since the end of March I'm just losing the dome shape now. So it really is going to last you a long time.

Soft and Gentle is the a warm golden slightly pinker nude skintone shade. It just adds the most beautiful lift to the skin. It's a slighty shimmery highlighter but you won't look like you're covered in glitter heading to a school disco (who else thought the glitter all over was a good look)

Look how pretty. And you can see here how it's nowhere near pan yet. I definitely think you'd get at least a years wear using it every day. I like to dust it on my cheek bones, down the bridge of my nose (with a very gentle hand) and under my brows. 

The mandatory swatch there for you. This photo is taken without flash!!

Here is a light dusting of it on the cheek for every day :)

Have you tried Mac MSF? I really want to try Lightscapade. It looks amazing!!

What's your best highlighter? I've found liquids just can't compare to this!!

Love M


I was given a highlighter powder for my 18th birthday from a family friend which was a limited edition Dior highlighter. It's in a silver case with a key ring style brush attached to the side and contains both silver/pink and yellow/gold highlighters and it has always been GREAT.
I still love it and have used it for every outing since my 18th and is still nowhere near pan whatsoever.

This combined with the fact I own high beam for a more subtle shimmer I never thought I'd actually need another highlighter for a looooooooooooong time.
I mean 6 years of usage and it barely looks like it's been used, why would i need to buy one if I've got this?

This was until M came to mine to get ready for our Reunion night out and I tried the MSF for the first time.


i couldn't believe how tiny the shimmer particles were and how easily they blended with the rest of my make up.

i genuinely couldn't believe how much of a 'glow' it gave me with one sweep across the cheeks and down my nose.
From the photos of the night you can clearly see in every single one how lush the effect is and quite frankly as soon as I get a job it will be one of the first things I will be buying!
(Along with some more Liz Earle!)

Have you tried it?
I tend to shy away from things that have been hyped up as I hate having the same as everyone else.
But I will be making an exception for this!!

L xxx

Saturday 6 October 2012

Review: Benefit Cha Cha Tint

I've been meaning to post this for such a long time!
In fact I thought i had already done so and thought I was going mad as I remember taking photos etc but there is no post to be seen!

This beauty is my current favourite cheek colour and has been for the past 2 months or so.

Benefit's Cha Cha Tint is a welcome addition to their tint family, having only contained a red and pink tint previously.

I love a coral orangey colour and especially during the summer months with a bit of high beam on your cheek bones it can look gorgeous with a tan!

My bottle is clearly a little scratched from usage as I had to retake my photos having lost them somewhere!

It is most definitely well used in my daily make up and also for nights out.

The consistency is similar to that of Posie Tint (the pink cheek tint) which is creamier than the original BeneTint which is a clearer liquid.

Also I should note at this point that i do love the nail polish bottle design, some people hate it but I'm a firm lover as it was the original design for so many of their products.

You can see below that the brush is quite easy to use and you can dispense as much or as little as you please  onto your cheeks.
I tend to put it on the apples of my cheeks and blend outwards towards my hair line so that most of the colour is on my cheeks, but a bit does flush up the sides making it look more natural.

As you can see in the picture below, this most definitely is a stain and in the time it took to take the above picture and then try to blend it, a mark was left behind!


Oh well, it shows you it's staying power and of course the colour blended in is lovely and natural.

After the success of our previous post about our reunion night out, I have even decided to take a photo of my face...shock horror!

Here's the before and after and you can clearly see the colour:

You can see where I've blended it in and it gives a really natural look.
It blends easily as long as you're quick and although looks a little bright initially it does seem to calm after a few minutes.
It also lasts really well particularly if your foundation or other base materials are long lasting and shine resistant.

Personally, I love it. I love all the cheek tints but I do despise the price!
At £24.50 this little bottle is quite expensive, but as no other brand has so far come up with a cheaper alternative (as brands such as Me Me Me have come up with dupes for Benetint, Posie tint, High beam and Moon Beam) I eventually caved!

If you were interested in trying Cha Cha Tint, Benetint or Sun Beam then your luck is in!

In Style are giving away a 4ml bottle with each of their November magazines out from the 4th of October.
Obviously there's only one bottle in each magazine so you're going to have to fight it out at the newsagents!

I picked up the one with Sun Beam as I almost bought it previously but didn't as I wasn't sure about it.
This is the perfect opportunity to try it out for £3.80!

Will you buying In Style to try it? Do you like Benefit and their cheek stains? I'm going to be testing mine out over the nest week!

L xxx

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