Well hi there!
I have recently read the following link: 30 Stages Girls Go Through Before Nights Out.
I am a FIRM believer that getting ready for the night out is normally just as fun as the night out itself. Don't get me wrong, I love being out with my friends, choosing my shots, throwing some of those new moves I've seen on the dancefloor and wobbling my way to a taxi (via a food outlet of course).
BUT I can honestly say that I ADORE the build up to it as well. A lot of friends dislike and even go as far as to hate it (gasp!) but I truly love the whole getting ready experience and I fully recommend the link above for a few lols as I'm SURE you will have definitely come across a few.
BUT I can honestly say that I ADORE the build up to it as well. A lot of friends dislike and even go as far as to hate it (gasp!) but I truly love the whole getting ready experience and I fully recommend the link above for a few lols as I'm SURE you will have definitely come across a few.
As me and M have mahussive plans for this evening now that her exams are finally over I thought it would be fitting to divulge a few of our favourite stages of getting ready for a night out....enjoy!

1) Our night out begins on Mondays. This is when we begin to scrub and apply copious amounts of tanning moisturiser. Living in the ever rainy Wales a real tan is hard to come by and over the years has left us looking paler than MJ so a fair few coats is necessary for us to achieve the glow we desire. We need to apply normally around 3 coats of this just to reach normal human colour so it takes a while.
2) The week long group message as to what to wear, and priorities....what shoes. We've now come to the conclusion that as we are both quite tall ladies that whatever shoes we wear, we're in it together. In heels we can be up to 6'4 when M wears her huuuuuuge Carvelas and so the shoes take the priority in our texts. Admittedly, it's ALWAYS heels!

3) This is normally followed by furious snapchats of dresses and accessories, normally paired with an absolute mountain of clothes in the background where we have both emptied our wardrobes onto our beds to find the desired outfit. Chaos.
4) This is followed by the Thursday tanning session. This is a full application of 'proper tan' followed by a pedicure. If you're going to have to stand naked and watch tv to let your tan dry you might as well do everything all in one go and not be able to walk at the same time.

3) This is normally followed by furious snapchats of dresses and accessories, normally paired with an absolute mountain of clothes in the background where we have both emptied our wardrobes onto our beds to find the desired outfit. Chaos.
4) This is followed by the Thursday tanning session. This is a full application of 'proper tan' followed by a pedicure. If you're going to have to stand naked and watch tv to let your tan dry you might as well do everything all in one go and not be able to walk at the same time.
5) Drinks orders. Sometime during the week thoughts will travel to predrinks. This used to be easy; wine! But unfortunately as I am now allergic to wine (LORD KNOWS how this has happened) vodka is the usual tipple, occasionally mixed up with rum, pimms and basically whatever else we can mix in with cranberry juice and lemonade. This week? I've got my eye on the £10 bottle of Pimms in Morrisons, deal!
We also get our order in for the containers that will come in very handy later on (see further on for an explanation)

6) The day has finally arrived! Normally on a Saturday we both get up and off to the gym to burn an extra set of calories in anticipation for the sugary cocktails and McDonalds meal that we just KNOW we're going to have later. Excited!
7) With the 'hard work' out of the way, it's just the usual shower, scrub, defuzz, moisturise, apply an extra layer of tan, paint our nails and dry our hair. Easy peasy.........probably need a power nap here too and some food. Whoever decided eating was cheating never lasted long on a night out did they?

8) Next stage? Precision application of make up to the face. Da Vinci hasn't got shit on us; it took him days to paint his masterpiece. We've got our faces down to an art within an hour....ish?
This normally cues the debate of eye make up application first or base first.......Answers on a postcard below. M's a lover of eyes first but I'm a firm fan of starting with a flawless base. Many debates have been had, surely by this time we should be able to apply eye make up without getting it all over...no?
Needless to say it looks like Debenhams exploded into Boots wherever we are getting ready; palettes, brushes, bottles and all manner of product goodness EVERYWHERE.
9) Once the face has been finished, the pre drinks begin. Nice and steady to start, getting stronger and crazier by the 3rd, half vodka, quarter rum, a shot of malibu topped up with cranberry anyone?
10) Hair begins. What a nightmare, straightening is so easy but what about the volume! We're big hair people on this blog and volume is everything, curling almost always wins out for me as rollers take forever to wrap up into my thick and long mane. My arms aren't even long enough to reach the ends of my hair at the back!
11) Then the most dangerous and stressful part begins. The lash application. Having the potential to ruin your entire facial make up application this part is tricky and sends your heart into overdrive. Better sit down and have a another drink to calm those nerves.
12) Think you're ready? Extra application of instant tan. JUST IN CASE.
13) Now it's time to actually get your clothes on and make the final decision on your outfit for the night and do one of our favourite things, the Lipstick Lucky Dip.
Place your hand inside your make up bag/hand bag/drawer and wriggle it around until you find a lipstick, save yourself the hassle and use whichever one you find first, that's our motto!
14) It's selfie time. Snapchat, instagram, facebook, twitter. Absolutely nothing can escape when it's selfie time on a night out with us!

15) Finally ready to call a taxi so more drinks are poured and it's time to settle down and relax after the getting ready sesh is over, this time its doubtful there is any mixer in the drinks at all and it sometimes comes accompanied with a shot of red absinthe. This can send the night one of two ways, but its sure to become a firm fave of a photo if you manage to time it just right:

16) The taxi is probably outside. Never EVER forget that last refill of your glass and our personal favourite; universal containers.
Listen up guys and girls, I'm about to divulge the best secret in the business. Get your hands on some 50ml containers and bob's your uncle, you've got yourself a fair few double shots you can easily just slip into a drink in the loos when the bouncers aren't watching. Naughty? Us? We like to think of it as innovative. Many a time we've filled our bras with them, 2 in each side for a beautiful 4 drinks worth. Even better is the Russian Roulette version; containers full of random types of liquor. Flavoured vodkas, rum and a nasty one: the straight absinthe...horror! Whoever get's the nasty one gets first pick the next time.

17) The taxi is definitely outside. Last minute checks; more powder, more hairspray, more perfume, more lipstick. More tan?
Then comes the putting on of shoes before running out the door to the exasperated taxi man waiting outside.

All sounds exhausting doesn't it?!
What do you think? Comparable to your nights out?
We also get our order in for the containers that will come in very handy later on (see further on for an explanation)

6) The day has finally arrived! Normally on a Saturday we both get up and off to the gym to burn an extra set of calories in anticipation for the sugary cocktails and McDonalds meal that we just KNOW we're going to have later. Excited!
7) With the 'hard work' out of the way, it's just the usual shower, scrub, defuzz, moisturise, apply an extra layer of tan, paint our nails and dry our hair. Easy peasy.........probably need a power nap here too and some food. Whoever decided eating was cheating never lasted long on a night out did they?
8) Next stage? Precision application of make up to the face. Da Vinci hasn't got shit on us; it took him days to paint his masterpiece. We've got our faces down to an art within an hour....ish?
This normally cues the debate of eye make up application first or base first.......Answers on a postcard below. M's a lover of eyes first but I'm a firm fan of starting with a flawless base. Many debates have been had, surely by this time we should be able to apply eye make up without getting it all over...no?
Needless to say it looks like Debenhams exploded into Boots wherever we are getting ready; palettes, brushes, bottles and all manner of product goodness EVERYWHERE.
9) Once the face has been finished, the pre drinks begin. Nice and steady to start, getting stronger and crazier by the 3rd, half vodka, quarter rum, a shot of malibu topped up with cranberry anyone?
10) Hair begins. What a nightmare, straightening is so easy but what about the volume! We're big hair people on this blog and volume is everything, curling almost always wins out for me as rollers take forever to wrap up into my thick and long mane. My arms aren't even long enough to reach the ends of my hair at the back!
11) Then the most dangerous and stressful part begins. The lash application. Having the potential to ruin your entire facial make up application this part is tricky and sends your heart into overdrive. Better sit down and have a another drink to calm those nerves.
12) Think you're ready? Extra application of instant tan. JUST IN CASE.
13) Now it's time to actually get your clothes on and make the final decision on your outfit for the night and do one of our favourite things, the Lipstick Lucky Dip.
Place your hand inside your make up bag/hand bag/drawer and wriggle it around until you find a lipstick, save yourself the hassle and use whichever one you find first, that's our motto!
14) It's selfie time. Snapchat, instagram, facebook, twitter. Absolutely nothing can escape when it's selfie time on a night out with us!

15) Finally ready to call a taxi so more drinks are poured and it's time to settle down and relax after the getting ready sesh is over, this time its doubtful there is any mixer in the drinks at all and it sometimes comes accompanied with a shot of red absinthe. This can send the night one of two ways, but its sure to become a firm fave of a photo if you manage to time it just right:

16) The taxi is probably outside. Never EVER forget that last refill of your glass and our personal favourite; universal containers.
Listen up guys and girls, I'm about to divulge the best secret in the business. Get your hands on some 50ml containers and bob's your uncle, you've got yourself a fair few double shots you can easily just slip into a drink in the loos when the bouncers aren't watching. Naughty? Us? We like to think of it as innovative. Many a time we've filled our bras with them, 2 in each side for a beautiful 4 drinks worth. Even better is the Russian Roulette version; containers full of random types of liquor. Flavoured vodkas, rum and a nasty one: the straight absinthe...horror! Whoever get's the nasty one gets first pick the next time.

17) The taxi is definitely outside. Last minute checks; more powder, more hairspray, more perfume, more lipstick. More tan?
Then comes the putting on of shoes before running out the door to the exasperated taxi man waiting outside.

All sounds exhausting doesn't it?!
What do you think? Comparable to your nights out?
Let me know!
L xxx