Hey there!
Today's post is a sort of photo diary of the last few weeks. M is doing her Colour Run today in London which I'm sure most of you have heard of! Mine is in Bristol and will be in 3 weeks and I cannot wait.
M won tickets on Friday for a rugby and music festival in Cardiff which we were VERY excited about, we didn't have any plans before it so it was a lovely surprise to find out we could go to this!

It was the Cardiff 7's Festival of Sport and Music and runs over 2 days. As M is away today we just went yesterday and watched a lot of rugby matches! We had to restrain ourselves from staring at their beautiful shoulder and muscley thighs!

Luckily for us there was also lots of food outlets for us to try things from, we couldn't resist the wood fired pizza van and made a bee line for it! We split 2 pizzas as we couldn't decide what flavours to get and went for a margherita and a chicken, bacon and pesto one. They were amazing and there was so much cheese!

There was also a salsa van, hog roll stall and all manner of others. It was getting us EXTREMELY excited for Glastonbury in a few weeks. Neither of us have ever been to a festival before and I'm not sure about M but I've not even been proper camping before. So as you can imagine I'm pretty excited for the whole festival feeling and cannot wait for all of the food stalls! I hear there's going to be a massive variety of food and I'm starting to get hungry already....

On our way back from the festival we stopped off to start our supply stash for the festival, picking up the super important things: cider, vodka, squash and glitter. We also picked up some crazy accessories too, flower headbands in the shape of cat ears anyone??
We need help though, having never been to a festival before we need as many tips and tricks as you can possibly think of for festival life and surviving 6 days without a shower or clean toilet facilities! Any help will be VERY much appreciated.

Were hoping its not going to be like the photos above which was a few years ago. This terrifies me and i seriously cannot hope enough that its going to be good weather! I'm fine with no sun....but constant rain will put a huge downer on the experience. fingers crossed!
I am hoping it's going to be a lot more like this!

We've already planned to have a BBQ on the first night so we can save some money and get the whole camping thing going on by cooking our own meal to start with. We had a quick run the other day with some BBQs from Asda and they worked pretty well.

We had a feast with burgers and chicken, cider, salad and followed by the King of all ice creams, the Peanut Butter cup ice cream from Ben and Jerry's. There is NO OTHER flavour in our opinion!
What have you guys been up to recently? Have you been to a festival and have any tips for us?
We tried out the portaloos at the Cardiff 7s festival yesterday and they weren't so bad, they'd only been there a few hours though and there was nowhere near the 200,000 people there will be at Glasto.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend :)
L xxx
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