Hey there!
A late night post from me today, had a MANIC week in work and thought I'd scheduled posts until they didn't appear....oops!
This week I've got one of the best recipes and tastiest ways to make any meal exciting with just 3 ingredients. My mum found this and it is actually amazing, I'm obsessed and felt the need to share!
I've made Sticky Chicken this time, but you can make this with just about anything including salmon which I 100% recommend too.

So basically all you will need is soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and honey.
Not only is this a super simple ingredient list, it's also fool proof to make making it the perfect kind of recipe!
All you need to do is mix three tablespoons of each of the ingredients into a bowl like so:

It can be a little hard to stir in as the honey sinks to the bottom but try your best and then pile in whatever you're putting it with. Diced chicken was my choice this time and with the three tablespoons mixture you can add up to 600g of chicken.
My packets was 375g but I prefer to have lots of sauce left over so i stick with this consistency.

So after you've mixed the chicken with the sauce leave it for at least half an hour, the longer the better. Every now and then mix it around again to ensure all of the chicken gets a good covering and as much of it is marinaded as possible.
After that, get your hands on a wok, add the oil of your choice and cook it up!

Make sure the chicken is completely cooked through and then cook it to your own desires, i personally like to reduce the sauce so its really sticky and so I leave it a little longer on a low heat.

As i said you can pretty much cook any meat or fish in this. I've marinaded salmon in it also and then baked it in the oven and its perfect for those summer days when a barbecue seems like too much effort. You could eat this with salad, stir fried veg, cous cous with grilled veg and a whole host of other things including my absolute favourite sweet potato chips!

Make sure the chicken is completely cooked through and then cook it to your own desires, i personally like to reduce the sauce so its really sticky and so I leave it a little longer on a low heat.

As i said you can pretty much cook any meat or fish in this. I've marinaded salmon in it also and then baked it in the oven and its perfect for those summer days when a barbecue seems like too much effort. You could eat this with salad, stir fried veg, cous cous with grilled veg and a whole host of other things including my absolute favourite sweet potato chips!
Have you tried a similar recipe? Do you have any other ideas of what you can use it for?
I'd love to see any other recipes you might have. This one is one i know will be getting lots of use from me throughout the next few months!
L xxx