After the success of the spending ban and finally starting to see my stash reduce every so slightly (more skin care products as you'll see in my empties post coming up soon) I've decided to something that will help reduce my make up collection more.
I tend to love a product use it loads then save the last of it for 'special' occasions, this leaves me with loads of half used products.
Project 10 Pan is an idea I saw on YouTube sometime last year. Sorry if it was your video I can't remember who's it was. I'm sure lots of bloggers have done it previously.
Basically the rules are simple. Use up 10 products completely before you can buy more!!
For me there will be no excuses. I have plenty of stuff and if I run out of something I have enough other stuff in my collection that I can find an alternative for it.
I will do a mid point update when I've used up 5 things and a hopefully a post to say I've completed it.
With this for me there will be no cheating. No buying make up because I have points or vouchers, no Avon (my mum is a rep and gets me lots that way, she spoils me). No nothing. I'm really hoping I complete it by my Birthday.
I'll be starting this on May 1st. Let me know if you fancy joining me and I'll add you're blog links to the bottom of this post :).
Hopefully this will be successful and I'll actually get through some of my products.
Love M