Tuesday 23 January 2018

Lush Happy Hippy Shower Gel

What's your favourite scent??

Mine has to be citrus, and the day I found the Lush Happy Hippy shower gel was a good one! I thought the dreary January weather was the perfect time for me to share a bright and zesty way to start your day.


Friday 19 January 2018

Bottomless Lunch, Cocktails and Cider in Bristol

Back in October we finally (and I mean FINALLY) met up with the lovely Sophie (Sophie Rose) and Laura (previously Lola and Behold, now Laura Kate Life)

We've known these ladies from the very beginning of The CSI Girls, which is actually 6 years old this week - Happy Bloggerversary to us! We've spoken regularly on Instagram and Twitter with these ladies for the entire duration of this and we all thought it was about time we met up as rarely a day goes by without some kind of social interaction. So we picked a day in October and it happened!!


Monday 15 January 2018

Easy Ways to Switch to an Eco Friendly Cruelty Free Home

Hey All

So you'll have heard us mention many times on the blog now that I'm totally cruelty free in all I use and L is moving that way too. I initally started with make up and it took me a while to even think about all the products in the home and find suitable alternatives for these too!


Thursday 11 January 2018

2017: The Highs and Lows

I always like writing round up posts, especially when you're coming to the end of something. It feels like you can summarise it together and like a good essay, finish it with a conclusion. Looking back can be a reminder of how far you have come and also be a reminder of things you have conquered both good and bad.

2017 wasn't the best year, but it also could have been a lot worse. I was going to gloss over the bad but I feel like that wouldn't be an accurate representation of my year and how difficult it has been at times.

In the interest of being as honest as possible and not pretending everything is ok, here's my year in a summary with all the good and the bad mixed in - I'm hoping it will act like therapy and make me feel ready for 2018 and a whole new chance at change! Make yourself a cup of tea as this is a bit of a long one...

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