Saturday 22 September 2012

Laine Blogger Award

Sophie from SophieRoseHearts tagged us in this a few days ago.

We've been tagged in a few things recently and we've really been enjoying doing them!
If you have any others let us know, it's always nice to get to know the people behind the blog :)

Basically there are 5 questions to answer, you have to link back to the person who tagged you and then tag 5 others.
Hope you enjoy! 

Question 1.What is your current beauty obsession?
Hmm. I'd have to say Benefit They're Real, I really do love the mascara and love the way it curls my lashes and separates them perfectly. I enjoy putting it on every morning!

Question 2.What is one beauty item you wish you owned?
I am currently lusting after the latest Clarins palette, you know the one, it's in gold casing and has the most gorgeous shimmery nudes and a gold glittery shadow that just looks divine!

Question 3.What is your favourite post to read or write about?
I love writing posts about my latest find, the excitement of finding something new and amazing like a new coloured lipstick or nail colour is so much fun.
I love reading posts on nail art, lifestyle ones about people and also lately I love reading fashion ones as I'm really getting my fashion mojo back.

Question 4.What inspired you to become a blogger?
I've been reading blogs by the likes of Fee from Make Up Savvy for years but always thought it would be too much hard work even though I have plenty to say about products myself...but finally decided to set one up with M knowing that if one of us couldn't post for a few days the other could help. Go Team! haha.

Question 5.What nail polish are you wearing right now?
I am currently wearing Essie Sand Tropez....but as I'm going out tomorrow night (with M!) it is about to change to No7 Crave Me (you can find it here!)

I tag the following people to join in!

Would love to know what your answers your posts back to us!

Hope you're enjoying your weekend so far!
As you read this me and M will be getting ready to go out as we're going to a reunion....eek!

We've been tanning all week and will have a going out post coming up for you soon, do you like seeing these kind of posts??

L xxx


Friday 21 September 2012

10 Things I would Repurchase: Part 2

I loved the tag M did the other day (here) so decided to my own as well.

I'd never really thought about it before so was an interesting tag!
Here's my ten:

1) As an every day foundation I use a combo of Revlon Colorstay/Rimmel Wake Me Up in the same colours as M. I love that Colorstay actually stays on my face all day but I love the glow that Wake Me Up gives me, so I combine the two for the ultimate look and LOVE it.

2) The infamous Naked palette definitely rates highly in my book though I would love to try Naked 2 to see the difference as I do sometimes miss lighter colours.
However the colour range, quality and staying power of these means I'd always buy it!

3) I'm sure most of you will agree that Real techniques brushes are pretty good value for money and the core collection is a favourite of mine, along with the stippling brush and blush brush.
I'd love the get the powder brush too as I seem to be missing it from my collection!


4) As far as fake tan goes, you can do no wrong with Vita Liberata.
I've written a post on this before but can't rave about it enough, my bottle is running low and has lasted me a massive amount of full body applications that no other tan has. I'm sure I've got AT LEAST 8 full body apps plus a few extra coats on my legs and I'm still counting, I've never got that with any other tan I've tried!

5) Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser, needs no more said about it really!
(I get annoyed as it seems to run out so fast though ha)

6) My beloved Jean Paul Gaultier Madame will never ever leave my side!
It's the perfect mix of strong fruity scent but isn't overly overpowering as I get headaches from strong scents.
I love it so much I'm on my 6th bottle and everyone knows it's my smell!

7) I absolutely love Origins so it was hard to narrow down products but their eye creams are the best and were the first things I bought so I chose these. Ginzing is my go to cream for the morning and Eye Doctor is the one I use at night, both have helped my sensitive eyes so much I can't rave enough!

8) I love defining my brows as most people do nowadays but as mine are almost black it was hard to find a product that was the right colour without looking like permanent marker!
I also have tiny gaps in my brows that look bigger because of the pale skin/dark hair combo, but this Mac eyebrow pencil/crayon is amaze! Gives a perfect shape and blends so easy.

9) My lips are always really dry of late so applying lip balm is a constant task! I do really like Vaseline which I know is a love hate product for some people but recently after my trip overseas I have been loving the Eos sphere balms which work a treat and are such a delight to use.
They smell gorgeous and contain no nasties, awesome!

10) Lastly is Soap and Glory's Righteous Butter. I love the scent, how thick and luxurious the butter is and how soft my skin feels afterwards.
My only bug bear is the fact it takes a little while to sink in, but mostly I don't care as it's just far too nice!
I struggle to get my skinny jeans on after applying this but it's so worth it haha.

What are your top 10 repurchases??
I found it really interesting to do this tag as I was surprised that other products didn't feature.

I have recently been using Alpha H's Liquid Gold and also the Antipodes Divine Face Oil which I have an inkling would probably make it onto this list if I completed it again in a few months.

I know you're supposed to tag people but as M has already tagged a lot of you I tag anyone else reading this post!
I loved reading other people's so link back to us if you've completed it as I'd love to see what you chose.

Happy Friday!!!!!

L xxx

Thursday 20 September 2012

Blogger unite to lose weight

This week I've well and truely lost it. I've been so tired all the time and just wanting bad food. I've also had no motivation to exercise as I've been tired and achey. I've just finished week 6 of my journey and think I just needed a break last week.

I still tried to eat well during the week. But exercise wasn't happening. I've been struggling to run lately. I went out on Monday and could only manage 20 minutes so came home and did sit ups and weights. Tuesday I just did sit ups and weight. With my holiday just over a week away I feel the weights work may be more beneficial for me. I've lost 11lbs but still feel big in all the same places.

I did gain 0.4lbs this week when I weighed on Tuesday. I did expect this as last week contained a lot of occasions for cake in work. And a girly night in with L. To be honest I'm pleased it wasn't more.
On Monday I decided to push myself and try to get back into it even though I was tired. But by Tuesday evening I was hit with another set back. As I walked back from the shops I had someone try to rob my phone. I was lucky I didn't give up my phone or get hurt really. But it left me more upset than I expected to be from it and with a sore foot which meant running wasn't going to happen this week.

It's onwards and upwards now though. I'm going to stick to it when I can and hopefully set myself a new goal soon. I always thought gettin down to 10 stone would be the weight I was happy with but as I edge nearer I want to lose more.

I'm hoping my holiday will relax me and when I come back I'll feel the push more. I'm really looking forward to being able to swim daily whilst on holiday as I really enjoy swimming.

So where am I heading for the next week. I need to find a new route to run. Where I had the guy grab my phone is where I always run. I'm thinking I may run through town now. I think runs will go faster through the town and be more distracting. I'm going out on Saturday night so bad food will he consumed. I'm going to try to do a lot of exercise to make up for this. My lovely parents are coming to visit tonight so that's involving a meal out. I'm emailing restaurants to get calorie counts so I can hopefully pick well and will have low calorie breakfast and lunch to be on the safe side.

Very rambly all over the place with this update. I've really lost my mojo at the moment though and hope I find my inspiration again soon and can push myself.
Don't forget to check out 

For their updates. Hope they've had a better week than me. I'm hoping to get to 14lb total loss by my holiday. Not sure it'll happen but we will see.
Love M

(Done on my phone so sorry if the photos are all over the place. No recipe this week but a sneak into my food diary.)


Wednesday 19 September 2012

Beauty Rehab

I haven't written one of these posts in a while and had quite a collection of products building up!

Firstly I had a lot of minis to get through so decided to kick start my using my back log of products I'd try and use some of these:

The Aveda Damage Remedy products I previously blogged about here.
I absolutely loved them and would buy in a heartbeat if I could afford it!

The Dead Sea shampoo was pretty average really, I had it from a recent hotel visit that I took to keep in my gym bag. Probably wouldn't buy this.

I think as a beauty obsessive taking vitamins is pretty important though I prefer to get mine through food (yum!). These were alright though I personally can't be bothered taking them any more, do you bother with vitamins?
Not really a beauty product but i was interested how many people took them!

I've had this foot spray for yonks from my mum, had a really nice smell and was quite refreshing on the feet but wasn't something I used very much.
Neither was the Scholl foot spray, I decided to try and use them up so they weren't wasted but I don't really like feet so pretend they're not there ;)

The Vichy Normaderm (also featuring in the photo below, bad photo skills!) was absolutely amazing, I'd definitely buy this again if I didn't have lots of others to use. Loved the effects and not too pricey either!

Ted Baker Body Scrub....I wasn't a fan of this as I dislike the oily effect some scrubs leave and this was one of them. A good scrub but hated the oiliness! Wouldn't buy again.

Good old Sun Swim and Gym shampoo for coloured hair! I was worried my hair would be affected by the chlorine in the pool but this put my mind at rest and helped keep the colour looking good.

Beloved Liz Earle! Have bought myself more of this and will continue to buy more as it's working well for me and probably most other beauty bloggers have all raved too!

Soap and Glory Righteous Butter - not much needs to be said about this as it smells amazing, everyone always compliments me on the smell and it works a charm! Just not good when you're putting skinny jeans on afterwards!

St Tropez Spray Tan - love this also but its such a shame that it doesn't last barely any time, probably 2 full body applications in a can and there are others out there with much more value for money.
Love the product, not the price!

I ended up throwing these 2 out...I bought them both when they were new out and haven't ever used them much.
Have been trying to use them up by wearing them to the gym as they're lighter and I still need to wear something to cover my skin (I know it's bad!) but basically i couldn't be bothered with them anymore.
The tinted moisturiser is too dark for my skin and seems to clump on my face.
The mineral foundation was chalky and separated on my face also, basically they're both horrible products that I'm disappointed I bought.
No7 usually have a lot more promising products than this!

Also another product I have barely used, Dr Nick Lowe Purifying foaming cleanser.
This is barely used and if anyone wants it they are more than welcome to it???
Its £12 I think, but I just cant get on with it anymore seeing as my skin has decided to react to almost every thing!
Let me know if you'd like to try it :)

Think I need to up my game in the 'use up product' stakes, It's coming up to Christmas soon and I expect a whole load more products will find their way into my life!
Far too exciting, Christmas is my favourite time of year!

Have you used any of these products? What did you think?

L xxx

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