Tuesday 8 May 2012

Nail Varnish Collection

I've seen lots of posts lately of people sharing their make up collections and I love having a nosey at what people have, don't you? Today I thought I'd share my nail varnish collection with you.

In my 101 things in 1001 days list, one thing I wanted was to own more than 100 nail varnishes. I love having a huge selection to choose from and play with. I love painting my nails and find when they are painted I am less likely to bite them. It's a habit I've almost stopped but still sometimes have to stop myself.

Here is my collection. I have a big variety of brands and have now tried most brands. Colours I feel I'm missing are yellow (which I currently have on order from Avon) and I don't have many metallics in my range.

I currently have 59 nail varnishes. Only another 31 to go before I can cross another thing of my list.

What colours do you think I need to add? Are there any colours that jump out of you?

On top of the 59 colours I have a further 15 top coats, clear, base coats and treatments. But I'm definetely favouring my OPI Matte Nail Envy.

I've read a few blogs that have stated to go on to OPI Maintenance Nail Envy once you've finished your first bottle. I'll be reviewing this once I've used it a while. I still have a little left in my original nail envy. I'm at the annoying bottom bit where it's hard to get out. The bottle has lasted my just over 2 months which is pretty good.

Have you used the maintenance version before?

Love M


Monday 7 May 2012

Lipstick Monday's No7 Mischief

Today's Lipstick is from No7, it's one of their stay perfect lipsticks. They are long lasting but a little drying. Nothing a little lip balm won't sort. I was instantly drawn to this gorgeous pink shade.

It has a subtle gold shimmer to it which makes it a slightly more wearable pink shade in my opinion. It's a kind of barbie pink shade but not as opaque as some so more acceptable for everyday wear.

This lipstick is £10 but I picked it up when I had the No7 vouchers which made it only £5. Due to the texture of the lipstick I think it will last me a while. What do you think of this shade? Is it something you'd pick?

Love M


Sunday 6 May 2012

Review: Max Factor Colour Adapt and FaceFinity Compact

A few months ago all of my foundations were too orange and I threw a strop and ran to my local Boots with the aim of spending a lot of money in rebellion.

I actually didn't end up spending too much which was a nice surprise and came away with some pretty reasonable purchases!

First up I bought the Facefinity Compact as my powder was also running out at the time.

I ended up buying this in 02 Ivory, but in hindsight 01 probably would have been better.

It has SPF 15 in it and states that it provides all day colour and contains 'Permawear'

The compact comes with a decent sized sponge, I like them when they're thicker like this as some of them are so small you can barely hold them and apply your make up at the same time.

The mirror is a decent size too but I was disappointed in the 10g size of the product itself, I felt that it should have been more but that's being picky I suppose.

It's a relatively decent product, I'm a little annoyed that the colour was so dark though. Ivory is a pale colour, yet Max Factor still seem to think it's dark!
I'm not normally the palest colour in the range and am normally one shade darker, when I tested it it seemed fine in store!

This product was probably a little too thick for me and I wouldn't buy it again. I'm finding it hard to describe my reasons but it was just an 'ok' product that could have been so much more and I just don't have any kind of inclination either way.
I don't love it or hate it, it didn't last a long time on my face but it wasn't the quickest powder to let the oil through either.

I'm hoping this makes sense! Basically I was underwhelmed with the product.

I also bought the colour adapt foundation in Creamy Ivory, which was definitely a good choice colour wise.

This perfectly suited my seemingly odd paler skin tone (it seems to come and go!) and was a really thick creamy formula that gave me good coverage and a nice finish.

The only downside to this product is that it does NOT like being put on using the Real Techniques stippling brush. I think it may be too thick, I'd definitely avoid using it and would apply it using my Mac brush (168) instead.

It seems a pretty good foundation but I don't get much wear out of it as I only use it when I'm on a pale day, maybe one day when I've worked my way through the back log of other foundations I'd buy a darker shade.

(clearly the colour adapt technology doesn't stretch that far!)

Buying both the foundation and compact meant that I also picked up this freebie:

I've already blogged about the nail polishes here and here, but I thought the mini mascara and mini eyeliner were both pretty decent items and was impressed with them
Usually you get some rubbish colours or pointless products, but these were usable and widely used shades!

What do you think of Max Factor? Does your skin change colour all the time like mine?

L xxx

Max Factor was a range I first started using when I was in school. The FaceFinity was 'the' product to have. I remember loving it but using that as my foundation. I haven't used this in years so can't comment.

When L told me she picked up colour adapt I was excited to see how she got on with it. Colour adapt stayed a firm favourite with me all through my uni years and was my go to foundation. I loved the soft silky texture the medium finish to cover my freckles and spots and the lasting power. 

The colour adapt technology in it really is fab too. I'm using paler than L in foundations but in this one I'm currently using 45 warm almond and it really doesn't make me orange. It's a great spring transition foundation as you can go for a shade darker in my opinion and it blend fine and come to summer and it still look good on the skin. (had I know L was getting it I should have shared this with her)

It's a thicker foundation and blends well into the skin and I think best applied with fingers.

Downsides to this are it's matte. If you are looking for a light dewy finish this isn't for you. I do find as I get through the bottles the foundation really does thicken up. Not to where you can't work with it but just something to be aware of.

I'm really glad L bought it as I discovered I still had a bottle in my make up bag and have gone back to using it a bit. I tend to Mix it with my Max Factor Second Skin (my summer foundation love due to it's lightness, you need a good colour match on this though) so that it gives a more dewy finish.

Have you tried any Max Factor foundations? I love most of the ones I've tried.

Love M


Saturday 5 May 2012

Review: Origins No Puffery Eye Cooling Gel

I don't know what your collections are like, but mine didn't contain anything from Origins until a few weeks ago.

It was like your first trip to Mac when you realise that actually perfect make up can be found, their skincare range is AMAZING!

I slowly wandered my way around Boots and ended up at their counter for an hour probably! The assistant was so nice and helpful. This was what I left the stand with:

I actually only bought one thing, the others are all testers which i was so excited about.
Everybody loves a few samples to test but this was like Christmas for me!
I've never had that many given to me, especially from a brand that is as renowned as Origins is.

I was originally attracted to the stand because it was new in Boots, and although I've seen it around other stores, I am very particular about buying as much as I can from Boots and saving my points..... With the exception of Mac most brands can be found in Boots and to be honest it's had all I've ever wanted.

So I wandered over with the knowledge that I almost definitely wasn't going to be walking away with nothing!

I'd been looking for an eye product for a while, my eyes have been really sensitive for the past few months and wearing lenses has been a nightmare so I was looking for something with minimal chemicals and maximum effect.

The assistant advised me about Origins and their philosophy of not using certain chemicals, when she showed me the list of chemicals that they do not use in any products I was SO pleased.

Why on earth had I never bought something from Origins?!

Ok so maybe the price tags on the products aren't exactly purse friendly, but I'm beginning to realise that spending more on a pair of shoes than I do on my own face might not be such a good idea!

It took me a long time to decide which product I wanted most, originally I wanted a cream, but after trying their 'No Puffery' eye gel I was instantly won over.

The cooling effect on my hand was exactly the kind of feeling I wanted on my eyes and ever since I've bought it it has been my best friend!

It has honestly made such a difference to my tired and puffy eyes at night, I apply it just before I go to bed most nights and it soothes them whilst I sleep.

When I wake up I have eyes that are no longer sore and red and puffy, which I can tell you was such a relief after trying so many other products.

The ingredients can be seen here if you wish:

I also left the shop with the following samples:

GinZing eye cream, High Potency Night A Mins Night Cream, A Perfect World SPF 25 Moisturiser and Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask.

I am saving all of these for my upcoming plane journey, it will give me something to do on the plane and also are perfect for taking in hand luggage with all of the restrictions!

However I have used one of the GinZing samples and I managed to make it last me a whole week and I am in LOVE! 
I've already saved up enough points to buy another product and have already made my choice (...will feature in a post soon!) however the next item on my list afterwards is definitely the GinZing eye cream.

Do you use any Origins products? Anything I should without a doubt add to my shopping list?

I can see me and the assistant in Boots are going to be good friends if my next purchase turns out to be just as amazing!!

L xxx

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