Hi there!
I've been a bit relaxed about writing my Fitness Friday posts recently, life has been so busy and with quitting my job, my mum being in hospital and really trying hard to train for Tough Mudder
But my mum is doing really well, Tough Mudder is completed and I started my new job this week so fingers crossed things are all on the up!
I've debated showing comparison photos before; I'm not one for taking underwear photos in the mirror anyway as I just don't want to see myself but i have forced myself to do it just to see how progress is being made. My weight has stayed the same (roughly) for a long time but I know my body has changed composition and shape slightly so I needed to do it to see results.
I highly doubt anyone will see those pictures but I do have a comparison photo wearing a dress of mine that is a huge favourite! It's a crepe shift dress with leather waistband and bottom from M&S Limited Collection. I love the style of it being so simple and it has been brought up to date with the addition of a leather waistband which is so simple but chic and it goes for many occasions - apart from maybe an all you can eat buffet, it definitely doesn't stretch!

Here's a picture from my phone from when I wore it out in March when me and M went out with some uni friends. It was a really good night out and I loved wearing the dress with a new found confidence.
Here's a comparison photo from when I first bought the dress to now:
Apart from my hair being longer I think there's such a big difference between the photos.
My waist is definitely smaller, my arms are smaller (might not show up as much but I know for sure they are!) and my lower stomach and hips are also smaller. most of this can be seen by looking at the latest picture and seeing that the dress actually fits me rather than being too tight in the first picture.
There's also much less of a double chin in the latest picture!
After all the recent set backs I've had in my fitness plans it has been really important to look back and see how far I've come. Whilst these changes have happened over the last 3 years and aren't that drastic, I know I haven't lost 5 stone or anything, but progress is progress and it has been such a lifestyle change.
After all the recent set backs I've had in my fitness plans it has been really important to look back and see how far I've come. Whilst these changes have happened over the last 3 years and aren't that drastic, I know I haven't lost 5 stone or anything, but progress is progress and it has been such a lifestyle change.
I was a bit disheartened with my exercise leading up to Tough Mudder even though I'd been working so hard in the 8 months leading up to it, on the day I found it hard as some of my fitness had gone where I was so exhausted from all the mental and physical stress going on in my life.
But moving forward I KNOW that I can complete it again because I've already done it once.
I've also had a meet up with my trainer from my gym and after getting all my latest stats, I've put on 1lb since last time but have lost fat and gained muscle so it has actually, in the end, all worked in my favour and my composition has improved.
I've enjoyed a week or two break from exercise, only doing dog walking and some easy stuff in the gym but now my trainer has given me a new program to follow which involves so many squats, burpees, press ups and oblique crunches that I'm hoping it will boost my metabolism into burning more fat.
In a few weeks I will write an update on my progress with the new program, and how it feels getting back to classes now that my new job will allow me to make it there much more easily. I'm hoping the decreased stress levels and ease of getting to and from the gym around work will make me much happier!
Do you have a new fitness program to follow? Have you completed any Tough Mudder type courses?
I've also had a meet up with my trainer from my gym and after getting all my latest stats, I've put on 1lb since last time but have lost fat and gained muscle so it has actually, in the end, all worked in my favour and my composition has improved.
I've enjoyed a week or two break from exercise, only doing dog walking and some easy stuff in the gym but now my trainer has given me a new program to follow which involves so many squats, burpees, press ups and oblique crunches that I'm hoping it will boost my metabolism into burning more fat.
In a few weeks I will write an update on my progress with the new program, and how it feels getting back to classes now that my new job will allow me to make it there much more easily. I'm hoping the decreased stress levels and ease of getting to and from the gym around work will make me much happier!
Do you have a new fitness program to follow? Have you completed any Tough Mudder type courses?
I'd love to read more fitness blogs so if you have any links of your favourites or you write one yourself leave the link in the comments below!
L xxx
L xxx