Hey there!
This week's fitness friday post is a little different as me and M went to a local cafe this week that has been getting so many good reviews. Cafe Pure can be found right next to the Wales Millenium Centre in Cardiff Bay and is dedicated to serving healthy and protein rich foods
This week's fitness friday post is a little different as me and M went to a local cafe this week that has been getting so many good reviews. Cafe Pure can be found right next to the Wales Millenium Centre in Cardiff Bay and is dedicated to serving healthy and protein rich foods

First off, apologies for the lack of pictures of the place itself, its a very clean looking white and grey shop/seating area with wheatgrass growing down the middle of the bench tables, how cool!
By the time we finally got there and ordered we were so hungry we couldn't contain ourselves so you should think yourself lucky we have any pictures at all!
The menus are pretty simple, easy to read and set out in sections depending on the time of day and what you're after. It was a hard choice picking a meal knowing we could only have the one, we're going to have to go back and try everything else over the next few months!

Not only is it a super healthy menu with easy ways to customise your meal they've got everything broken down into macro nutrients at the side of each dish, absolutely love this!
Makes it so easy to decide what you want based on what you want to feed your body and not just what you want with your eyes (which by the way was EVERYTHING as we walked through seeing everyone elses food)

It took a little while but as we'd missed the breakfast slot (next time pancakes you are mine!) we settled on a Hot Box and a Power Shake to satisfy our hunger. We were tempted by the absolutely huge and tasty looking salads but as it was horrible weather outside we decided we both needed something warmer instead.
In true style of ourselves we ended up getting the exact same food and shake, although I chose chicken and M had steak.

Once you've ordered you're given a dumbell as your order number to take back to the table, its little things like this that makes the place what it is and everyone was so friendly and helpful there. The staff were all super smiley, beautiful and tanned which just makes us want to spend even longer there, surely the food will make us look like them right?!

Onto our actual meals, this was the power shake:

A whizzed up mix of banana, peanut butter, almond milk, ice and chocolate protein powder.
It was absolutely divine and not a patch on anything I've made myself, I've been dreaming about it ever since and need to get another one soon.
As a firm fan of the definitely not so healthy Ed's Diner shakes I can honestly say I prefer the taste of this one which is better all round really!

M decided to eat hers so fast there was no chance of getting a picture of the steak hot box, but here is the grilled chicken version - I'm much more restrained:

It was super tasty, the teriyaki sauce was the perfect portion for the meal and as a self confessed sauce lover I definitely need to remember the portion size of this as I think it's my downfall!
The homemade slaw was also really good and contained a good mix of seasonal veg.
All in all it was a filling, tasty, healthy meal and both the hot box and the shake came to a total of £9. I think the meal was worth every penny and will certainly be going back for more.
They have tonnes of stuff on their menu I'd like to try including pretty much all of the salads, the steak and eggs, blueberry pancakes and anything else involving peanut butter! They also have wheatgrass shots which I've never tried but will have to just to see what they are like.
For a menu that contains everything i could ever want at decent prices I will certainly be making a return........very soon.
The only downside I can see to this place is the opening hours. Open from 7.30-3 Monday to Friday and 9-1 on a Saturday means that for people like myself I could only ever visit on a Saturday due to my working hours. I'd love to take friend there for a healthy meal during the week and I bet it would make a roaring trade on a Sunday with visitors to the bay especially over the summer. Pretty please Cafe Pure can you extend these hours?!
It is not surprising that this place was very busy when we were then on an average Friday lunchtime, imagine what it could be like in the future.
Have you tried Cafe Pure yet? Are you into healthy meals and reading macro contents?
I need to study this menu and incorporate it into my diet for my training for Tough Mudder, or maybe I'll just move in!
L xxx