Having put up with Christmas songs for a month already due to Boots blasting out all manner of festive cheer I have firmly got Mariah Carey's 'All I want for Christmas' playing in my head 24/7.
So because of this I am constantly thinking about what I want for Christmas (whilst stocking up Peppa Pig, Hello Kitty and Star Wars obviously!)
There are a few things I'd like in terms of make up, DVDs, clothes etc but there are others that I really would like that aren't so easy to come by.
1) I would do absolutely anything to get a job related to forensic science, analytical chemistry, toxicology etc.
I've quite frankly worked my butt off for 5 years, working up to 95 hours a week for a year just to get another qualification.
So far, it would seem that although my MSc has helped get me noticed more, my lack of experience is still holding me back, yet I can't get any unless I am employed due to the nature of forensic science (can't leave important samples in the hands of a temp!)
I've been so stressed out about it all that I've given myself IBS and now I have acne.
Please someone give me a job in a lab.
2) Follows on from number 1 really. My skin is absolutely awful at the moment.
When I got back from America after spending 7 weeks in the sun it was the best it has ever been.
Shortly afterwards for no particular reason I started getting loads of really painful red lump type spots, white heads and really attractive scars to go with it.
Lots of people seem to be having the same problems but at 24 and about to graduate you would hope your skin would be the last of your worries!
3) I have 2.5 weeks before I graduate and having luckily found my dress I am hoping to get a flatter stomach in time for it.
However having started a new job recently my meal times are all mixed up as I have to work over them being in a shop and often end up eating multiple meals.
I've so far stayed the same weight but this hasn't improved any further because its so hard to get to the gym when you've worked til 7/8/9pm.
So I'm looking for any tips to get a flatter stomach??
Any tea drinks or fat busting foods/fruits/snacks you can think of?!
I'm not looking for miracle weightloss, my dress is a smaller size already (a 10 woohoo!) but I would like a smoother silhouette at the front.
Ill also be planking and crunching every evening I can to help keep it more toned.
So that's my Christmas wish list.
Probably a little different to any others you've seen as there is for once not a single product or item of clothing on there!
But never the less, if I got these for Christmas I'd be the happiest person alive.
Any tips, ideas for far busting, skin clearing or scientific job hunting please feel free to leave a comment or get in touch!
L xxx