Hello lovelies!
I posted on the weekend about my trip to Cabot circus in Bristol with my mum and shared a few snaps of what I'd bought. One of those 'few' things was a floral crown and a floral headband from Primark.
I've been lusting after some of these for a little while but having nowhere to wear them to I was a little stumped. However this year me and M are both going to Glastonbury (eek) so i have every excuse I ever needed!

These are the two I chose from the huge range they had there. Both have small pretty flowers to break me into the trend gently, I've never worn anything like this so its a case of one step at a time!
First up is this one, a beautiful coral/pastel coloured head band with a price tag of £3....honestly it was only £3 what a bargain.

I've been playing around with it and it can be worn with your hair up or down, though I expect it will look better with your hair flowing in the wind (only for the first few days then...after that its going to be scraped back!)

It's a decent size and if anything may be a little big, I'll have to make sure I take some kirby grips with me to make sure it's not going to fall off, but it's really comfortable and I can see me wearing it a lot.

The flowers are relatively big (for me) but they're such a gorgeous colour and not too bright that they don't feel as big as they are. This will go with so many outfits over the summer so hopefully i will get lots of use out of it.
My second purchase was this floral crown:

I believe this was either £2.50 or £3.50.....amazing!
And this requires minimal work to look like a fairy princess with a crown, just stick it on top of your head and leave your hair to do the work.

It seems to sit perfectly on my head without falling, sliding or anything, which is a miracle on my hair is it can be quite a chore to get things to stay in place.
I had my hair relatively straight when taking these photos but any kind of hair would look good with this, go crazy as I imagine curlier hair would rock it even better.

What do you think of my floral head gear? Worth the bargain prices? will you be picking some up too?
I wasn't sure about them...but now I've tried some on I'm in love and cannot wait for more festival gear to make its way into my life! I also bought a hat from Primark and I'm hoping I manage to keep it from Glastonbury for Thailand but I'm awful at losing things so I haven't got much high hopes!
L xxx