Friday 16 August 2013

Real Techniques Kabuki Brush

A little while ago I bought the Real Techniques Foundation brush, but unfortunately after using it a few times the bristles started to fall out, which as we all know is a rare occurrence with these brushes.

After contacting them and sending them a photo, they promised to send me out another. I was so surprised when in the package there was not only a replacement brush but also a kabuki brush as an apology!
I was amazed at the service and customer care i received and would recommend these brushes to anyone.


I hadn't seen the kabuki brush in store before, which is not surprising as apparently Boots don't stock it, but you can get it from online sites such as Feel Unique and Escentual.
It's really disappointing that Boots don't sell them all as I like the see them in the flesh before purchasing.


I'm sure you can tell from the picture below how amazingly soft and fluffy this brush is!
I thought the blush brushes were super soft but this one is on another level!


You can see the tapered shape of the brush, and because of this shape I adore it for applying bronzer to the hollows of my cheek bones to help sculpt some shape into my face.
It picks up any product (my favourites being Benefit's Dallas or Bourjois Chocolate Bronzer) really easily but doesn't seem to overload on application to the face. Any uneven application is also easily buffed away with this brush and it is even great for application of setting powder to the entire face.


Let's just appreciate how big and fluffy it is again:


Another feature of this brush is that it separates in half, and is held together by a magnet. I haven't used it as a flat brush very much yet, but according to the accompanying video on YouTube (found here) it's better for applying bronzer so I will have to give it a go!
The YouTube channel for Real Techniques is brilliant for tips to use their brushes so you should check it out.


Do you own the kabuki brush?
The magnet halves intrigue me, unfortunately mine doesn't seem to be magnetic any more but it doesn't seem to be a problem.

Real Techniques are a very popular brand and I can definitely see why, I've loved every brush I've ever bought from them and their customer service is fabulous!

Just have to decide what brush to buy next....

L xxx


Thursday 2 May 2013

Real Techniques: 3 for 2!

I am super excited to share some personal news with you all....
Over the past 2/3 years I've been hunting for a job related to my degrees and have applied for around 300 in total which is quite peachy really (rage)
I am so unbelievably happy though because out of the blue I have finally got myself the most amazing job, its pretty decent pay and will give me all of the experience that I'm looking for to move forward for the future.

If I'm with them for a while they are also willing to pay for me to do a PhD which is almost unheard of in this current climate!
So I fully plan on celebrating this weekend with a few drinks, starting with Thursday night with M woop!

Anyway....back to the review :)

As always when a 3 for 2 deal is on in Boots I cannot resist picking up some new RT brushes as I'm sure most of you would do the same.

I have had my eye on the eye make up brush set for a while but haven't got round to getting it as I want to get the most of my money and can never find something that is the same value.

So to make up for this I picked up a shading brush, setting brush (one of M's favourites) and foundation brush.
No matter how many eye and face brushes I pick up I never seem to have enough!



I love that these brushes are colour coded depending on their function, it makes them so much easier to find in my fairly large make up bag, especially at 6.30am!

I tend to grab as many of the brushes as I can in the morning and attempt to lay them out in some sort of colour order and then i can see what I have to work with as I normally do it in 10 minutes so speed is key!


The shading brush is definitely a worthy purchase, I am always running low on eye brushes due to the fact I use so many different colour throughout the week and don't wash them until the weekends. This means that any light colours are normally overshadowed by the darker ones and as I have my favourite brushes don't rotate them anywhere near as much as I should!

The shading brush fits perfectly on my eye lid to cover it, fill in the crease and highlight at the inside of the eye. For evening looks it can be used to apply colour underneath too but I find this too heavy for day time normally.
It's super easy to use and a pleasure to paint my face on with, it makes blending easy and I'd quite happily buy a couple more of these!


The setting brush was suggested to me by M who absolutely raves about it. To be honest, initially I didn't see how it was much different from the contour brush which I already owned but now i can see how wrong I was!
This brush is so fluffy and soft and makes applying powder around your eyes and nose (particularly to set concealer) very easy and precise so it ensures your base stays on in all the right places.
I wouldn't say this brush was a necessity....purely because if you're patient enough you can use other brushes but to complete a collection it definitely has it's place and for the make up obsessed I'd get your hands on it!


Lastly the foundation brush was initially a massive disappointment.
I'd bought it to add to my collection of face brushes which as we all know get used up pretty fast and its such a chore to clean them regularly!

I had high hopes as I love the expert face and buffing brush.


Unfortunately this happened....

We all know that one of the best factors about Real Techniques brushes is the fact that they don't malt.One of my pet hates is applying my make up and having bits of hair all over my face from brushes.
They're annoying and almost always take forever to pick off your face and most often take off some make up too, so I was gutted when the hairs came out of the brush in clumps.

However after tweeting a picture of this to the Real Techniques account I was told to fill out their online form with details and the photo and within days a replacement had been sent to me.
I couldn't believe the outstanding customer service that they provided and not only did they replace the brush super fast, they emailed to let me know every step of the way and included a free kabuki brush as a way of an apology:


I couldn't believe how generous they were and although I sing their praises quite a bit, now they are so high up in my estimations that its going to take quite a lot to top them!!

I've been using the kabuki brush the past week or so and will do a separate post on this to do it justice!


What do you think of Real Techniques brushes? Which are your favourite?
Have you received some amazing customer service recently??

Gold stars all around for RT!!!

L xxx

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