Hello there!
I hope you enjoyed your bank holiday weekend and stuffed yourself with a considerable amount of chocolate! I've got a few pictures from my life over the last few weeks that i thought I'd share with you.

You might have noticed I've been loving the pancakes recently; absolutely loving them! So many different toppings and ways to make them that can be really healthy considering they feel like such a treat. Yogurt and blueberries are my favourite way to eat them but when I'm extra hungry I have a banana and and peanut butter or apples, cinnamon and walnuts. Whenever I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally need a sugary boost I do have to get the Nutella jar out, but I try and save it as a last resort!
I've been running a lot recently and trying to increase my distance. I reached my first 6 mile run in the last few weeks which I was extremely proud of but unfortunately ever since it has all gone to pot! My running buddy hasn't been around much because of work so its been harder doing it on my own and this past weekend I've felt awful and I'm not really sure why. Hopefully after a few days off I can get back into it. The weather certainly helps and running past things like Cardiff castle helps!

These were my Easter treats this year; a white chocolate Lindt bunny and Reese's pieces! I do love peanut butter, me and my brother had a bag of white chocolate and milk chocolate pieces to share between us.. I was like a kid splitting up the bags!

Last Friday me and M went to a Urban Decay event in Cardiff for their secret launch of the electric palette.
I wore this top I bought from Zara last year (and hadn't cut the tags off until now....) as it was so nice and sunny and I felt like being in a bright electric colour myself! It's a gorgeous top and although it's loose and flowy the back is split which is great for hot weather and you can easily wear a vest underneath like i did.

We met up earlier before the event as I had a £10 Cafe Rouge voucher to use up before May so we met there for lunch and in true fashion we ended up ordering the exact same thing! 2 waters and the fishcakes later (which were very yummy by the way!) we legged it over to Tiger Tiger to be early and bought ourselves a few pints, the classy ladies that we are! It was perfect weather for a pint in a beer garden so we decided after the event to go for a 'quick drink' in our favourite bar before going home.

Naturally one turned into three, and after tucking into some very generously sized bar snacks at 10 Feet Tall we managed to consume a Long Island Iced Tea, Zombie and a Cosmopolitan without even batting an eyelid. We do love their cocktails especially as they always seem to be hangover free ones!
I had a pretty quiet Saturday as i had to work but I did watch Frozen with my mum. It was good but I'm afraid the hype had built it up too much for me and i didn't enjoy it as much as I thought. Maybe I'm just a lover of Disney classics!
On Sunday we were supposed to be going zip lining after buying a Groupon deal:

We were super excited and after driving all the way there we were GUTTED to find that it was too windy for it as it would have been 'terrifying' and not enjoyable. The line is over a quarry so i definitely didn't want to be zooming over that too fast!
For example this was my hair after walking from the cafe to the car....a few gusts as you can see!

I had planned a proper Sunday Funday and me my dad and my brother also had tickets to 'Judgement Day' which was a South Wales derby of rugby teams. It was a double game so was effectively 5 hours of rugby which was a long time but it actually didn't feel like it.

Unluckily for my dad his team lost the first match but the second game was won by our faves so at least it wasn't all doom and gloom. We had a few pints throughout the afternoon and it was a lot of fun, I'd definitely want to go again but I'd wear warmer shoes! My feet were freeeeeeeeeeeeeezing!

So that's what I've been up to recently, I've been quite busy!
What have you been up to? Have you been zip lining? Do you go to sports matches with your family?
Send me your recent life updates to read!
L xxx