Hi all!
Today's Fitness Friday post is a review of Hazel Wallace's latest ebook. More commonly known as The Food Medic, Hazel is an Irish medical student studying in Cardiff and has a huge passion for food and fitness. She has her own website and blog which you can visit here (Hazel Wallace) and not only details her Sunday Service workout suggestions but also recipes and reviews of foods.
Today's Fitness Friday post is a review of Hazel Wallace's latest ebook. More commonly known as The Food Medic, Hazel is an Irish medical student studying in Cardiff and has a huge passion for food and fitness. She has her own website and blog which you can visit here (Hazel Wallace) and not only details her Sunday Service workout suggestions but also recipes and reviews of foods.
It costs £10.99 and has 110 pages in total.
The ebook is full of amazing illustrations which is what attracted me to it most - I'm a sucker for a superhero theme especially when its a female one, who doesn't wish they were like Catwoman or Black Widow?! The book is full of them too, it definitely creates a positive vibe that you can most certainly do anything you put your mind to!
The ebook contains some background to Hazel's life and how she came to be so enthusiastic and passionate about fitness. After this she details how she gets motivated, her nutrition and diet myths, how to plan and prep your way through clean eating, and training. There are also a few recipes at the end of the ebook.
The ebook is full of amazing illustrations which is what attracted me to it most - I'm a sucker for a superhero theme especially when its a female one, who doesn't wish they were like Catwoman or Black Widow?! The book is full of them too, it definitely creates a positive vibe that you can most certainly do anything you put your mind to!
The ebook contains some background to Hazel's life and how she came to be so enthusiastic and passionate about fitness. After this she details how she gets motivated, her nutrition and diet myths, how to plan and prep your way through clean eating, and training. There are also a few recipes at the end of the ebook.

If you've ever seen her instagram it will be enough to motivate you to buy this ebook as she is absolutely beautiful and and her dedication to her workouts is clear.
I loved how easy this ebook was to read - it had some really great advice and would be great for anyone just starting out or someone like me who needed a few new ideas and a bit of motivation.
One thing I absolutely loved was the quotes she used within the text, there are lots of them from many people but one really stood out to me and it was one that Hazel herself created:
'Striving to succeed according to someone else's definition of success will not offer you the personal triumph that you're searching for'
This really struck a chord with me - trying to please everyone else will not make you happy nor will it help you in your own journey in life. It's something that I definitely need to make a bigger effort to do, I'm mostly happy with my life as it is and need to stop comparing myself to other people and their ideals just because they aren't the same.
This really struck a chord with me - trying to please everyone else will not make you happy nor will it help you in your own journey in life. It's something that I definitely need to make a bigger effort to do, I'm mostly happy with my life as it is and need to stop comparing myself to other people and their ideals just because they aren't the same.

This ebook was a really good read and I've come away with a few new suggestions for workouts and slight changes in my diet. I am yet to try any of the recipes as I've been away with work but they look really yummy and are clean versions of food that many people will eat.
If I'm being picky I would have liked to have seen more recipes and also a few days of workout plans. I know that she is neither a personal trainer nor a nutritionist but any more meals or workout ideas I can get to keep my body guessing and keep me motivated would be great.
She also has a lot of recipes on her blog so it seems a shame to only have a few in the ebook when they could all be in one place together. There is a separate ebook for recipes alone which I don't own and maybe all of them are in there, I just think having them all in one document makes it easier to manage, but that may just be me. Some of the meal ideas sound amazing!
I've previously bought other plans such as Emily Skye's 28 Day Shred so I guess I'm comparing the two plans but Hazel Wallace is a normal person with normal struggles just like everyone else and this makes her a lot more relatable.
I'd definitely recommend this ebook if you're looking for some motivation and if you need some tips to help you get started on your fitness journey. It's something you can refer back to when you need some help changing an aspect of your eating or exercising and I will be using it over the next few months to make sure I'm getting the most out of my workouts,
Have you heard of Hazel Wallace or The Food Medic? Do you like reading ebooks from normal people who have a passion for fitness?
Have you heard of Hazel Wallace or The Food Medic? Do you like reading ebooks from normal people who have a passion for fitness?
You should visit her website and try out some of her meals and workouts - the smoked paprika and chorizo burgers just sound divine!
L xxx