Monday 1 February 2016

Travel: Top things to do in Iceland / Reykjavik

Hey All

So this is a post I've been meaning to write for almost a year. A year ago I was in Iceland with C having an amazing time, it will definitely be somewhere with a special place in my heart! Last week I shared what I got up to in Copenhagen so this week I thought I'd share Iceland. I love researching places before I go away and Iceland was definitely a well planned holiday (I had a colour coded spreadsheet!) So I thought I'd share our top Iceland excursions/tips and what we loved doing in Reykjavik. We went for a week as we flew from Bristol and they only flew once a week. We are really glad we did the week as we had so much we wanted to do! I wrote a post on eating and drinking and how to save money as everyone says Iceland is expensive. You can find that post here.

A few recommendations if you go in winter like we did. Take thermals and layers it will be cold. UK hats don't keep you warm enough especially for watching the northern lights, if you've got a wooley hat you'll want one that's also got a thinsulate type lining. We found our hands got the coldest so really good quality gloves are great! I also swore by my waterproof trousers. They were great for the days spent walking around outside and kept me warm and dry. I'd also recommend walking boots as it makes negotiating the snow easier and your feet are kept warm and dry.

Iceland Tours

In iceland there are two main operators, Grayline and Reykjavik Excursions. We booked almost all of ours through Reykjavik Excursions. Both were similar prices. With the tours you get picked up from your hotel on a mini bus and taken to the main bus station where you then join the coaches. The streets are small so the big buses can't easily navigate them. We didn't have any issues with any we booked.

Golden Circle (link to tours)

There are quite a few different options with this tour and lots of adds ons you can do which is great if you are pushed for time whilst you are there or you can do the shorter version of it which we did where you either go in a morning or afternoon. As we had a lot on we opted for the shorter one. The longer one also takes you to a green house for tomatoes where I believe you get tomato soup.


Is an unusual place due to it's tectonic plate action. Here the plates are pulling apart on the surface so you can be in a no mans land area. It's also where the parliament used to be which you can see in the photo below.

Top things to do in Iceland - Thingvellir


These are amazing to see. The power of them is amazing. And look how blue the water is in the one's that are still. There are quite a few inactive geysirs and one that went up regularly as we were there. Seeing the water bubble as it was preparing was crazy. It's so strange how hot the water is when it's freezing surrounding it!

Top things to do in Iceland - Geysirs

Top things to do in Iceland - Geysirs

Top things to do in Iceland - Geysirs


Lastly on the Golden Circle tour is the Gulfoss waterfall. This is amazing. This water fall is absolutely massive and drops in two stages. As you can see it was totally snow covered when we were there but from photos it looks amazing in Summer too!

Top things to do in Iceland - Gulfoss

Top things to do in Iceland - Gulfoss


We did these in combination with the Blue Lagoon trip. With the blue lagoon trip you can add other tours on to it or do it on your way to and from the airport if your short of time ( we did this tour). We absolutely loved these. You get driven out to the centre get kitted out in overalls, gloves, helmets and some waterproofs and jump on a vehicle. We decided to share one but you can pay extra to have your own. You do need a driving licence to drive these as you do go on roads sometimes. You go out with a guide and follow him along lava fields mostly but sometimes you have to cross roads. Theses can really pick up speeds. I terrified C by getting it up to 60km/h and not slowing down particularly well to go around corners!

Top things to do in Iceland - ATV

Top things to do in Iceland - ATV

Blue Lagoon

Now this is a must in my opinion. I was really sceptical to go. I thought it was such a cliche and maybe we should go to a less well know one but C convinced me we should go and I'm so glad he did. We paid extra to upgrade so we got a drink each, towel hire, face masks and some products and I'm really glad we did. The blue lagoon has a great system where you're given a band and on there you can purchase drinks from the swim up bars and then pay on the way out! The milky blue water is amazing. It's so toasty in there. It's totally relaxing and as we went at dusk we got to be in there as it went dark which was great. Top tip for ladies slather your hair in conditioner and try to keep it dry as the water can dry out your hair otherwise!

Top things to do in Iceland - Blue Lagoon

Top things to do in Iceland - Blue Lagoon

Lava Tubing

This was the trip we didn't do with Reykjavik excursions as they didn't offer what we wanted. We paired the Lava Tubing with the Snorkelling and did this tour. We knew we wanted a holiday packed with adventure so Lava Tubing sounded great. As iceland is so volcanic there are loads of empty lava tubes to explore (C would probably tell me I'm wrong with that, he's a geologist but meh!), where we went you did a circle under ground. This was so good. You slid down in to the tubes. They were varying heights, in sections you could stand and other places you were on your stomach going through. We were glad we booked through viator for this as other groups we met in the cave didn't seem to be as well equipped. We were given head torches so our hands were free where other groups were having to carry them. Small things like that I think make a difference!

Top things to do in Iceland - Lava Tubing

Top things to do in Iceland - Lava Tubing


Now this may seem like a strange one! Snorkelling in Iceland. You get to snorkel over the Mid Atlantic Ridge. It's an amazing experience as you snorkel through glacial water which is crystal clear with perfect vision I believe about 40m deep. Obviously it's not warm as you can see from my suit being frozen but you are put in a basically duvet onsie (over your clothes!) then in a dry suit. Your hands, feet and face get cold as they are in wetsuit type material but it's not too bad! It's worth it for the views. We have a underwater camera but we were worried about dropping it so we left it behind.

Top things to do in Iceland - Snorkelling

Top things to do in Iceland - Snorkelling

Glacier Hike

Our third and final adventure tour was the Glacier Hike. This is the one I really appreciated my waterproof trousers on and the one that scared me the most! We did the Glacier Hike as part of this tour but if you're short of time it's another one which can be combined. This one involves a bit of a drive and we were glad we packed lunch as there wasn't many options. You do stop at a garage/ restaurant type place where you can buy stuff before but we were glad we took stuff.

Top things to do in Iceland - Glacier Hike

This was the trip that gave me an adrenaline rush and kinda scared me. I'm clumsy it's really slippery and parts of it are up and down hill to climb (not to steep but when it's on ice!). Before you head on the glacier you're given crampons, ice picks and harnesses. It takes some getting used to using the crampons efficiently to stamp your feet to get a good grip but it was really good up there and our tour guide was great!

Top things to do in Iceland - Glacier Hike

Top things to do in Iceland - Glacier Hike

Top things to do in Iceland - Glacier Hike

Top things to do in Iceland - Glacier Hike

This is a natural path that has been eroded in the glacier. It was interesting to see the different formations. The grey you see is ash from volcano explosions!

Top things to do in Iceland - Glacier Hike


We saw these waterfalls on the way back from the glacier hike but they can be found in other excursions. I had really wanted to see these when we were planning. Skogafoss is amazing. We were lucky and were treated to a rainbow across it as well!

Top things to do in Iceland - Skogafoss

I tried to climb to get an icicle and fell ha!

Top things to do in Iceland - Skogafoss


This was the waterfall I wanted to see the most. Some times through the year you can walk behind it but it was too icy whilst we were there! It's still pretty impressive to see!

Top things to do in Iceland - Seljalandsfoss

Top things to do in Iceland - Seljalandsfoss

Northern Lights

Our final tour was to see the Northern Lights.We chose to do the normal Nothern lights tour (this one), we did this because if you pair it with other options you don't get another chance to see them. If you book on this tour if you don't see them you can rebook on it for free as many times as you like until you see them. Our first night we didn't get to see them so messed around with the cameras and long exposures. This trip you'll get cold on. You basically spend 2-3 hours outside waiting to see if they appear. It's bloody cold! The guys keep checking forecasts and find the best location for the best chance to see them and keep in contact with other buses out searching so they can move to another location if needed.

Top things to do in Iceland - Northern Lights

The second time we went out we went to Thingvellir to try to see them. We waited around 3 hours here as a guide could see what looked to us like a cloud in the sky but he was sure it was them. As our time on the tour was up we still hadn't see anything. As we drove back to Reykjavik the tour guide regularly stopped the bus to see if it was developing.

Top things to do in Iceland - Northern Lights

As we got about 5 miles from Reykjavik we took a short stop and we got to see them. They developed into what you can see below. It's honestly such an amazing experience. I can't put into words how special it is too see them. This is the tour I'd most recommend as I'm sure you could see them yourself but the knowledge of the tour guides definitely increases your chances of seeing them!

Top things to do in Iceland - Northern Lights

Top things to do in Iceland - Northern Lights

Things to See in Reykjavik

Reykajavik is pretty small but great to walk around. It has a main shopping street and a few streets off that. It's really easy to get around and great to explore. We loved the vibe of the city. It felt clean, safe and fun. 

Hallgrímskirkja Church

The Hallgrimskirkja Church is somewhere you have to see. It's such an amazing structure from the outside and gorgeous inside. The design is relatively modern and is apparently based on the basalt lava flows.

Top things to do in Iceland - Hallgrimskirkja Church

Top things to do in Iceland - Hallgrimskirkja Church

You can go up to the top of the church and it opens up so you can get views all over Reykjavik. It really is amazing up there. I love how colourful and non uniform all the buildings are there.

Top things to do in Iceland - Hallgrimskirkja Church

Top things to do in Iceland - Hallgrimskirkja Church

How amazing is the Organ!!

Top things to do in Iceland - Hallgrimskirkja Church

Harpa Iceland Opera House

The opera house/ concert hall is not far from the main shopping street. It's got amazing architecture and is built out of glass hexagonal columns. It gives off amazing light patterns inside if the sun is shining through.

Top things to do in Iceland - Harpa Iceland Opera House
iceland opera house

Top things to do in Iceland - Harpa Iceland Opera House
Iceland opera house

The Sun Voyager Sculpture

This is alongside the harbour and cool to see. Around this area there are also a few museums we went into but I've forgotten the names now!

Top things to do in Iceland - The Sun Voyager
The sun voyager sculpture

Shot of Brenivin

This is the national drink of Iceland. Although C's face doesn't show it he actually enjoyed it. So much so we bought it in the airport! It's made from potatoes and cumin I believe! One to warm you up after a cold day!

Top things to do in Iceland - Brennivin
brennivin shots

Top things to do in Iceland - Brennivin
Shot of brennivin

Shop with slide

Now this is a random one but there is an outdoor clothing shop on the main street that has a slide in! We are probably easily pleased but loved this. More shops should have it. There are also stairs if you aren't big kids like us. The shop also had a moat like fish pond downstairs, how cool!!

Shop with a slide!!

So there is my whistle-stop tour of Iceland! Have you been? Is it on your list? Any questions just ask?

Love M



Friday 29 January 2016

MAC Diva Matte Lipstick

Hey All

Last week I shared Fast Play with you (post here) which was another lipstick I picked up at the airport on my way home from Copenhagen. Today I'm sharing Diva. I picked this up on the way out. After trying to find a red for a friend before Christmas we fell in love with Diva but it was out of stock. When I saw Mac at Gatwick I knew I had to have it.

I did take photos on holiday but the lighting in the room wasn't great so I'm am being a bad blogger and sharing used product photos. Shows I love it and was too excited to use it right, only a positive ha!


Diva is my first Matte Mac lipstick. I was concerned it would be drying on the lips but it's not actually too bad. It gives a really pigmented finish and has impressive lasting power! This doesn't budge, but in a good way. I can get through breakfast and lunch and still have the majority of it on my lips.


I love the colour of this. It was be applied straight from the bullet to give and amazing deep berry red colour (It reminds me of Rimmel 107 which is another all time favourite (post here) or when applied lightly and rubbed in stains the lips a gorgeous red colour.


I've been pairing it with Rimmel lip liner in wine or black tulip, both are great for red lip shades!

I'm loving this colour and have been wearing it to work paired with simple eyes! The perfect shade for the colder weather we've been having.

Are you a fan of a dark lip?

Love M



Monday 25 January 2016

Travel: Things to do in Copenhagen

Hey All

So I've mentioned a few times now I've been to Copenhagen. I'm now going to try and do a things to do post when I go to new places as I'm always searching for these before I go and it's a nice reminder of what I did for me. When we went we had 4 days but we arrived in the early evening and left at lunch time so we basically had two full days. Looking at this post we clearly crammed a lot into two days! We absolutely loved our time there and would recommend a trip there to anyone. We stayed at the Absalon Hotel (reviewed here).

When we went to Copenhagen we had no real plan except a few places we'd been recommended to go and a guide book from my brother. We were staying centrally so we managed to just walk everywhere. Everything featured in today's post we walked to.

 The Rundetaarn

It costs 25DKK which was about £2.50 when we went to get in. It's a tower in the centre of the city you can walk up which has amazing views at the top with a viewing platform. It's great as instead of stairs most of the way it's slopes so great for buggies. There are steps to get to the top viewing platform but you do get views across the city on the way up if you can't managed steps. About halfway up you can get drinks and they have different exhibitions in the library hall. Definitely worth a visit. It's also very central and there is an amazing hot dog stand outside!




Trinitatis Kirke

This is the church next to the Rundetaarn, I love looking in churches as they are amazing buildings. This one has a beautiful organ and the most amazing ceilings. If your decide to climb the Rundetaarn definitely pop in afterwards.



Rosenborg Castle

The Rosenborg Castle is like a stately home in the UK which you can go and walk around. It's set in beautiful gardens and is an amazing building. It costs 105 DKK which is around £10 for entry you can get joint tickets to go into the Amalienborg Palace but this isn't open all year round. It does shut around 4.30 so visit this one earlier on in the day.  The crown jewels are also housed here which I loved seeing. There were some amazing jewellery pieces there!




Assistens Gardens and Cemetery

This is the furthest place we walked too but was still only around a 40 minute walk from the centre of the city. These are some of the most beautiful gardens in Copenhagen according to the guide book. They did look lovely but I think in winter gardens can always look a bit more bleak. Hans Christian Anderson is buried here.



Tivoli Gardens

I'm going to write a whole other post on Tivoli as there is too much to include in this post. I'll post a link to it here once it's up. It truly is a magical place that should be visited!


Amalienborg Palace

Mentioned above for tickets. As it wasn't opened we just walked around the buildings and saw what we could from the outside. We were lucky enough when we were walking back from the little mermaid to see a changing of the guards!




This is a little garden area next to the palace. It feels very symmetrical and pleasing on the eye (now that sounds weird!). Definitely worth a stroll through if you decide to visit the palace.



This is what I'd seen all over instagram when looking at friends who had been to Copenhagan. It's a pretty little harbour area full of great restaurants and bars and the streets are lined with brightly coloured houses. I imagine in summer this place looks amazing. Rumour has it in a street nearby there are trampolines built into the pavements but we didn't get a chance to see those.


Little mermaid

Now this is one of those you're in Copenhagen so you have to go and see. She's a little out of town so is a bit of a walk away but there are plenty of things to see on the way. Also don't let my photo fool you. I'm totally zoomed in to crop people out of it! Imagine selfie sticks everywhere!


Opera House

This photo is from by the palace looking across the water to it. We did also cross the river to see it but didn't go to explore inside. It's an amazing building set on the river front!


Copenhagen Street Food

Street food pop up food places are becoming really popular in Cardiff and I imagine most cities, Copenhagen is no exception. Set on the water's edge in a converted warehouse is the street food place. It was unfortunately closed when we went but it looked amazing from what we could see in plus as you can see below I found a swim outside to play on!! There were old shipping containers with sofas in and steps up to convert them to roof top areas. It looked amazing and I imagine when open it's a great place to visit.



Christiania is a free town in Copenhagen. I think over the past few years it's changed a lot and is becoming more of a tourist attraction than anything else. I was desperate to go here as I'd heard lots about it but I think we went at the wrong time of day. We went first thing and it seemed to be lacking the vibe I'd expected I imagine in summer in the afternoon it would be great as there is a stage for performers and I imagine more hustle and bustle of people and more things open. Still worth a visit though.


Church of Our Saviour

Unfortunately the spire for the Church of Our Saviour was closed whilst we were there. It's only open for select days in Dec and closed totally for Jan and Feb but if you're there from March onwards I'd definitely say to go. You do have to climb 400 steps to get to the stop but for the views I'd say it's worth it if they are anything like the Rundetaarn. Plus it's an amazing structure to see.


Strøget - Lego Shop

Strøget is the main shopping street in Copenhagen and is mainly pedestrianised. it has a great selection of shops for any bloggers reading this there is a Sephora there. It is also full of some great coffee shops. The Lego Shop is also there. The home place of Lego. It's got some amazing lego buildings including the streets of Nyhavn.


We had a great time exploring Copenhagen and loved the feel of the city, it felt clean and safe and I'd like to go back at some point.

Have you been to Copenhagen? Hope this helps if you're planning a trip there.

Love M



Friday 22 January 2016

MAC Fast Play Amplified Lipstick

Hey All

On Monday I shared with you where we stayed when we were in Copenhagen. I've got a few more posts to share on it over the next few weeks. While travelling to and from Copenhagen I couldn't resist a few beauty bits, especially when we had some money left over coming back. 

Mac Fast Play Lipstick Review Swatch

When we were travelling back to the UK and had money left after picking up some alcohol I couldn't resist my second trip to the Mac counter (a post next week shares with you what I got in the UK duty free) I didn't really know what I wanted except a neutral rose pink shade that would finish off a make up look. Thinking back I wanted twig but I went into this on a whim and hadn't thought shades. I tried a few that I know people love but they just weren't suiting me until I saw Fast Play.

Mac Fast Play Lipstick Review Swatch

Mac Fast Play Lipstick Review Swatch

Fast Play is an amplified creme formulation (one of my all time favourite lipsticks brick-o-la is also post here but colours of it here!!) I love these are they have amazing pigmentation and are still comfortable to wear on the lips. They give a slight sheen but nothing too much.

Mac Fast Play Lipstick Review Swatch

Mac Fast Play Lipstick Review Swatch

From the swatch above you can see Mac Fast Play is a neutral pink shade. I love these types of lipstick colours. I find them a much more flattering nude on my skin tone as they don't wash me out.

Mac Fast Play Lipstick Review Swatch

Ignore my spots in this photo I'm foundation free as managed to quickly rope C in to take photos for me. I love this colour on. It warms up my face, goes with all make up lots and isn't too OTT. This hasn't left my handbag since I bought it. I've been pairing it with Rimmel Addiction lip liner which is the most amazing nude. I need to share that on here soon!

Have you seen Fast Play?

Love M


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