Sunday 8 November 2015

Palace of Versailles

Hello everyone!

Happy Sunday morning!

I've been away with work yet again - November is going to be an extremely busy month but as I am yet to finish posting about my trip to Paris I though ti was best to start there.

I wrote about my whirlwind trip to Paris here, and have already written a post on the Gardens of Versailles here. This is the final instalment and consists of the Palace of Versailles itself - it's simply exquisite, and that's not a word to use lightly!



I mean just look at those gates, every tiny bit of it is genuine gold and you can see why there was such a revolution when the people of Paris were starving and dying outside.

When you get inside the gates the luxury and grandeur does not stop there either, it's breathtaking and just walking in and standing there is enough to keep you quiet for a little while!






I was extremely lucky with the weather on the day that I had free from work, it rained before and after this so my trip was planned to perfection. The Palace is beautiful and would be whatever the weather, but this kind of blue skies and sunshine scenario makes it even more amazing.



And don't even get my started on the interiors - who doesn't love a massive chandelier!

I'm also a big fan of windows, massive floor to ceiling windows with draped curtains and even better, a window seat. I've always dreamed of having a window of this size and having the ability to sit at it and read - it's a must-have on my dream home list.

Even the mirrors on the interior walls are dressed like windows to add to the grandeur of the palace. I also love seeing the mirrors when they are aged, a bit greyer and with a few cracks within the glass itself is even better in my opinion.



I'm one of those people that can't ignore a ceiling, I have been to a few places around the world that have fantastic ceilings including the Sistine Chapel. They are all amazing in my opinion and there's nothing better than twirling around in a room and staring at paintings on the ceiling.




The one place in the entire Palace of Versailles that I had seen and heard of before that I was very excited to see was the infamous Hall of Mirrors. It's pretty explanatory but take one of these amazing rooms and add in an excessive amount of chandeliers and mirrors, and this is what you get:



Just how fabulous is this room!

There was so much sparkle and luxe in one room that it was simply breathtaking, there were so many things to take photos of from different angles but I've narrowed it down to a few ;)



I did try to take a few mirror selfies - I mean who wouldn't at least try! But they didn't turn out so well on account of the windows showing so much light in the background!

There were so many rooms to see throughout the palace that it would be impossible to share them all with you but this one was another that was particularly interesting for me:



Look at that ceiling!

I've recently painted some of my furniture grey using chalk paint, there is a lot of detail on these pieces also so I have recently bought a gold paint to add some of the detail back in just like this ceiling. It's great finding inspiration from genuine palaces like this!



All in all it was an amazing day - the Gardens were breathtaking and a surprise to me as I didn't expect them to be as exciting as they were. However the Palace of Versailles itself lived up to every expectation, it was superbly luxurious, covered in gold and chandeliers and just fabulous.

I'd fully recommend that anyone visiting Paris also visit the Palace of Versailles, it will take you an entire day from 9 until late afternoon to get around everything including Marie Antoinette's Palace and Gardens too. I practically ran around the whole thing, I was excited and also fearful of missing anything before it closed. For a more relaxed day you may want to skip Marie Antoinette's section however it was my favourite area!

Have you visited the Palace of Versailles? Did you think it was a wonderful as I did?

Will you be planning a visit after seeing these photos?

L xxx


Friday 6 November 2015

Philip Kingsley Christmas Competition

Hey All

Sorry for the lack of posts from us this week. L has been busy away with work and I'm currently in a new house without proper internet until the 21st so there may be a few less posts from me.

I don't know about you but I love a good competition. About two years ago I got really into entering them all on twitter and managed to win some awesome prizes through doing it including hotels and trips to Matthew Williamson's fashion show. So when a weekly competition to win Philip Kinglsey stuff popped up in my inbox it was one I had to enter. I've heard so many good things about the elasticzer that I've been entering them weekly.

L and I have a few bits to try from them so we'll be letting you know our thoughts soon but just in case you fancy a chance to win here is the link to the competition. This weeks prize's are 15 x Philip Kingsley Geranium & Neroli Elasticizer Duo together worth £180 and
£250 voucher for online emporium Rockett St George’s spectacular Christmas Shop

Good luck if you enter. I'm doing it weekly!!

Love M



Friday 30 October 2015

Firework Displays South Wales 2015

Hey All

I don't know about you but I love Bonfire Night. I love just going to watch firework shows!! I always find it a struggle to find what's going on so thought I'd share some of the one's I know about in South Wales and some things we've done before!


One I've heard the most about but I'm still yet to make and won't be able to this year either is Sparks in the Park. This is held in Bute Park behind Cardiff Castle and is on 7th Nov this year. Tickets are available online for it. It's meant to be such an amazing show one year I'll make it.

Caerphilly Castle  is another great display which is being held on 31st Nov. Another one I won't be able to make. If you really love fireworks you could go to both of these. This is a free one!

Ponty Big Bang  is one I used to go to when I was in university! It's on the 1st Nov in Ynysangharad War Memorial Park Pontypridd. It's a ticketed event which can be bought beforehand from.

Newport is bringing back it's display to Rodney Parade for the first time in 10 years. This one is being held on 5th Nov. Tickets for this one can be bought from Rodney Parade Office.

Swansea Bonfire Night Party is being held in St Helens Ground on 5th Nov. This sounds like a great event and has music as well. 

So that's some of the official firework displays. The last few years I've been up to Caerphilly Mountain on Bonfire night to eat the AMAZING Caerphilly mountain snack bar burgers and watch all the smaller firework displays across the valleys!

Are you going to watch fireworks this year? Does anyone know if there are any in Cardiff Bay?

Love M



Thursday 29 October 2015

Lush Yoga Bomb Bath Bomb

Hey there!

I don't know about you, but Lush is just one of those places that you can't ignore when it comes to pampering yourself. I've mentioned many many times that I don't even really like baths, to be honest I don't really have time for them so I never bother.

But even I can't resist a Lush bath bomb!

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It's a rare occurrence but I can honestly say that I can't remember the last time I had a bath without a Lush product. I always get one at Christmas, my birthday, summer....there are a few a year and I do enjoy them because they really are a treat.

This time it was the Yoga Bomb that I purchased, and it was well worth it.

What I love about this one is that it takes around 8 minutes to fully dissolve - considerably longer than any other bath bomb. 

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It begins to fizz slowly releasing a yellowy sunshine colour, and the main scent is Sandalwood Oil. This scent is uplifting and soothing, and along with Olibunum Oil means for a super relaxing and comforting smell whilst you lie back and relax.

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The best part though? When the OTHER colours start fizzing through!

Beautiful colours of purple, orange and turquoise start showing through and creates an amazing rainbow, look how pretty!!!!

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Bath bombs always feel like a treat for me but ones like these particularly so, it lasted for ages, smelled amazing and the colours were gorgeous.

You can purchase these from Lush for £3.95 which in my eyes is an absolute bargain.

Have you tried the Yoga Bomb bath bomb? What did you think?

Which one is your favourite? I still have so many more to try....

L xxx

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