Sunday 30 December 2012

Spending Ban

We're sure everyone else is feeling the same way....just getting over the last of the Christmas turkey leftovers, feeling very full and happy with all new gifts filling your wardrobes, purses and make up bags and then WHAM......the credit card bill comes.

Ohhhhhhh then you remember how much you spent on people's presents, and how many presents you accidentally bought yourself at the same time, the bargains that couldn't be left behind on 3 for 2 offers and the necessities for any party season.....


Because of the serious amount of indulging going on we've both decided to take ourselves onto a 100 day spending ban.

Plenty of other bloggers have done this previously and we would guess lots of people will be doing this in January so hopefully we can all keep each other going!

The plan is not to buy any thing at all for 100 days, no clothes, make up, shoes, home ware, food, jewellery etc etc.

There are a few exceptions to this of course!

1) Any vouchers or money given for Christmas or birthdays can be spent, and also points such as on a Boots card. 

2) We both normally have a Christmas meal in place of buying presents for each other and because M went home for Christmas this year we haven't had chance to arrange this yet, so our Christmas meal is exempt from the ban.

3) It is my (L's) birthday at the end of March which is sadly still included in the ban! I'm not sure how I'm going to break the ban for this, but normally I buy a 'birthday dress' to wear out as most other girls do so will decide on this closer to the time.

4) The only time we can buy anything is if we actually run out of it and anything else that might be similar to it, so if I run out of face wash I will buy it so my skin doesn't break out etc, you get the picture!

Pretty simple and hopefully effective enough in helping us save some money, use up old products and hopefully find some old gems in our collections.

Will you be joining in a spending ban this year?

We both had plenty enough for Christmas that we should be able to keep up our posts without any need to buy anything!
Have you completed one of these? Would you be able to keep up no spending for 100 days?

L and M xxx

Friday 28 December 2012

Product Buzzword of 2012

I know a lot of people will be writing posts about their best products of 2012 and I most likely will do the same once I've had the chance to think about what mine are!

However when I was thinking of what products have featured heavily in my 2012 and also in general in the cosmetic/blogging world there was only one type of product that stood out in my mind: oil.

Image from Thrive Farm Wordpress
How many types of oil are there available??

Hair oil, face oil, body oil, shower oil.......

In particular Moroccan/Macadamia/Argan oil have taken the cosmetics world by storm and although I haven't used much of it, I have used the Macadamia hair mask and the Ojon oil and am very much a fan of both!

I have used some body oils but I'm always in a rush and am yet to find one that sinks in fast enough and does a good job.

As skincare is one of my favourite topics and aisles to browse in store, I have tried and tested a few face oils this year that has been my biggest surprise.

Starting off my year with oily skin, the last thing I would have put on my face is oil!
Once my skin changed due to stress and became drier and covered in cysts, I was forced to apply more moisturiser to combat the lack of hydration that I'd never experience before.
This included oils and now I would never be without them!

They helped clear some scars on my face, hydrated dry patches and did not in any way affect my oily t-zone! (Particularly Antipodes Divine Oil)

This for me was a revelation and I have been happy to swallow my words on adding oil to oily skin.

Do you agree that oils have been the biggest buzzword of 2012?

It makes me wonder what will be the product type of 2013...does anyone have any ideas?

I think nail art comes a close second as the biggest hype in 2012, maybe it hasn't had its day yet....or maybe products with a distinct lack of chemicals will become even more popular and product choice will increase with demand?

Who knows!

You know however, that we will all be watching! I for one cannot wait for 2013!

L xxx


Thursday 27 December 2012

My Christmas 2012

Hi all!

Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas!!

I feel like I've got my own permanent Christmas pudding stuck on my front and have taken to wearing my onesie full time.
As I am back in work today I have scheduled this post as unfortunately for me I only have the 2 days off for Christmas this year and will be fighting off customers as I stock up the shelves with sale items....manic!

Here's a quick run down of my Christmas meal, decorations and the like.

I had such a good day and managed to eat loads but not as much as I normally do on Christmas.
My diet for the year has clearly limited my stomachs ability to stretch itself to accommodate my Christmas indulgences.....

My lovingly decorated tree!

Christmas 2012

Gingerbread house that took me a fair few hours to create, all mistakes covered with an excessive amount of dolly mixture ;)

Christmas 2012

My dog going mad for the wrapping

Christmas 2012

Massive abundance of festive pyjamas including cat onesie! Thanks mum!

Christmas 2012

My new jacket and bag (below) I chose both so have been waiting ages to wear them!

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

My other Christmas goodies, absolutely love Olly Murs, my favourite perfume MaDame and the obvious S&G box amongst other lush stuff!

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

My first ever Ralph Lauren jumper and a super cool present from my brother!

Mmmm if only I could drink wine! On the right is my table decoration, took me hours to arrange them all...

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

Hi me in a cat onesie!

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

Yes I did eat all that!
Below is the not so obvious choice of white chocolate cheesecake - we have Christmas pudding but it's not a favourite so we have this too

Christmas 2012

Finished off by a game of Monopoly, some Bucks Fizz and Avengers Assemble.

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

Oh and my dog with his new toy, Shaun the Sheep obviously!

This one is not from Christmas day but tradition in my family is a walk on the beach on Boxing Day:

Christmas 2012

The weather looked like this for all of 2 minutes before it rained and blew so much my hair could easily have been mistaken for a real birds nest.

How were your Christmas days?? Hope you had a great day, would love to see any posts from you as Christmas is my favourite time of year and I can never get enough!

What did you get?? What are your traditions?

L xxx

Saturday 22 December 2012

Review: Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light Moisturiser

I have bought a few things from Vichy and loved all of them so far.

I have since been and bought the Normaderm moisturiser I previously posted about here and really quite like the feel on my skin, the effects, and the price which the product costs.
On top of that there is normally a deal on with skincare in Boots or Vichy often have a deal themselves which are worth waiting for.

On my latest trip I picked up the Aqualia Thermal Light Moisturiser.

As you can see from the box, it is made from the thermal spa water that other Vichy products are made with, free from parabens and can provide up to 48 hours of hydration for sensitive skin.
This I am loving the thought of!

Especially as it was made 'light' and so effective when used on normal/combination skin which i currently have.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light

Another ingredient in this moisturiser that is VERY important in hydration is Hyaluronic Acid.
Even though the acid name sounds scary, it's actually a great product for drier skins and a must have during the harsher winter months.
If you haven't read about it before, it can hold up to 1000 times it's own weight in water and so when applied to your skin can provide a much needed source of hydration throughout application and a while afterwards.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light

My skin worries are seemingly endless, but as my latest Skinetica post has hinted, i may have found something that can actually help! Check back next Thursday when I have the full review planned for.
On top of this I have been applying this Vichy moisturiser to combat the increased dryness I've been experiencing recently and in order to fight off any further dryness, whilst hopefully not overloading my skin either.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light

In all honesty, this cream has been a dream and I've loved it.
The pot has quite frankly disappeared (even though it has actually lasted a good 2 months of usage morning and night).
It sunk into my skin really fast without leaving a greasy layer but my skin has not been dry in the slightest.
Having skin that needs hydration is odd for me as I've always had oily skin, and so I think this product would be perfect for anyone who is worried their oily skin will react to increased hydration.

I honestly love it and will be repurchasing before my contract at Boots ends ha.

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light

I am trying to think of anything that might be negative to say about this.....
But I honestly cannot think of anything.

Aside from the 'if onlys' such as a bigger pot and cheaper?! But this pot is worth every penny and I will be repurchasing, that should say it all really shouldn't it??

Have you used many products by Vichy? What do you think? What's your favourite?

Have you changed to a more hydrating moisturiser for the winter months?

L xxx

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