Sunday 18 November 2012

CLOSED Christmas Giveaway!

Both me and M have had a long and busy couple of weeks and so haven't been posting as regularly as we normally would have.
Firstly we'd like to apologise for that, we've had new jobs, break ups and family deaths to deal with which has meant little time for blogging and tweeting as much as normal.

Image from Pinterest
Secondly with all the negative stuff going on, we decided to do our Christmas giveaway early!
This is to spread a little Christmas cheer a bit early, and also so you have the prize before Christmas in case there's a particular lipstick or eye shadow you were wanting for the party season!

So without further ado....

The prize is a giftcard to the value of £20.

This will be for either John Lewis, Boots or Debenhams - it's your choice!
We tried to pick one but only Debenhams has MAC, only JL has Liz Earle and Boots is a general all round winner.

The mandatory entries are the usual following via GFC and twitter, leaving your email so we can contact you and also leaving a comment to tell us what you'd buy with it (as we're obviously very nosy and want to know what everyone else wants!)
All other entries are optional but will increase your chance of winning, as will tweeting every day over the three weeks.

The winner will be chosen using Rafflecopter so enter using the widget below:

Image from Pinterest

It's about time there was some happiness and festive fun!

Good luck to all who enter!

L and M xxx

Friday 16 November 2012

NOTD: Model's Own Mirrorball Collection - Hot Stuff

I'm sure everyone has seen these by now but I couldn't resist posting pictures of it too, the glitter is just so pretty!

'Hot Stuff' is from the Model's Own Mirrorball collection which contain multiple types of coloured glitter to give a crazy layered effect.

I for one absolutely love them and obviously think the 'Mirrorball' name is PERFECTION!

Here it is on a pale pink (A 17 Mirror shine one), I've layered it on a few times, think it was three coats, in order to get the effect shown below:

Models Own

Models Own

What I love is that there are tiny glitter particles, plus hand cut pieces of glitter in so many shapes and sizes so each layer is unique.

Here it is over China Glaze's Pool Party, a neon pink that increases the effect of the glitter!

Models Own

I can see this getting a lot of use over the Christmas period and cannot wait to pick up some of the others, and obviously a quick glance at the Wonderland collection won't hurt too.... :)

Do you own any of the Mirror ball collection? Which would you recommend??

L xxx


Thursday 15 November 2012

Review: Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal

I've always worn eye liner since I was about 12, I loved having black lined eyes and loooooooooads of mascara so that was what I wore every day even to school.

For the past 2 years I've kind of slacked off using it, not for any reason but I found I was using my Mac Eye shadow in Carbon to line my eyes using a wet brush and this worked out fine for me.

Recently however I've been missing the ease of using a pencil though and splashed out on these two from Rimmel, the Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal pencil which I picked up in nude and black, no doubt on a 3 for 2 deal a few weeks ago!

I've never used a nude or white eye liner but have seen how great they are on other people so thought I'd try it out myself, God knows I need something to make me look more awake in the mornings!

Make Up

The packaging is pretty simple which I always like with the pencil colour coordinated to the casing making it easier to find whichever one you're looking for.
Also I love Rimmel's details of the union jack and crown printed onto the casing, very patriotic!

So here the pencils are scribbled lightly onto my arm, they're so soft and don't drag on my skin at all and the colour pay off is pretty good.

Make Up

The staying power however is second to none, after taking the above photo I immediately tried to smudge the pencils with my fingers, with absolutely no effect!
The photo below shows my arm after vigorous rubbing (not enough to make my skin red or anything though!) and you can see both colours have amazing staying power.

Make Up

They don't however stay on your eye without being able to be smudged, it's so odd!

You can still smudge the black in particular so that there are no harsh lines which I think is pretty darn good!

The photo below shows my eye with nothing but the nude eyeliner on the bottom and some mascara.
The colour is a pretty good match for my super pale skin and doesn't stand out too much that it looks odd.

Make Up

On a side note, this photo is from after a night out.
After taking my make up off with a face wipe and then cleansing with Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish the eye liner was still on my eyes!

Make Up

This wasn't the best thing but after scrubbing at my eyes with micellar water with no progress I eventually went to sleep.

In the morning the rest of the eye liner came off quite easily so that was fine but it was a challenge!

In my book these pencils are amazing, especially for the price (£3.99 - and on the 3 for 2 deal at Superdrug and BOGOHP at Boots!)
I would quite happily buy these again and might consider some different colours too!

Do you have these? Are you a big fan too?

L xxx


Sunday 11 November 2012

Review: Soap and Glory Clean on Me

I fell in love with the shower gel last year, but never thought I'd repurchase it except for in the soap and glory sets at christmas due to it's price tag. £5.50 seemed a lot to spend on shower gel but once you start using it you understand the price tag.

It's a very moisturising shower gel and you can really feel the built in body lotion in it. I really love that it's a pump dispenser bottle, the lazy girl in me loves it. This shower gel really lasts a long time too, as a little goes a long way.

It's a thick white gel that lathers up to an creamy moisturising gel with a pretty fresh scent I've come to expect from soap and glory products.

I'm really impressed with how soft it leaves my skin feeling and how long the product last and after initial doubts in the price I definitely think it's worth a repurchase especially as it's usually on 3 for 2 in boots.

What are your thoughts on this? Did you also think it was expensive at first for a shower gel or is that just me?

Love M


I'd never really heard of Soap and Glory up until Christmas last year but boy oh boy did that change at Christmas!

I had so much that I was overwhelmed and didn't have a clue what to think of it all!
I've slowly been making my way through the massive Big Splendour set throughout the year and this is one that has taken some time for me to get around to using.

I don't really know why, just because I had so many other sets of things i think.
Now I've finally started using it I wish I'd done so ages ago!

It smells divine as you'd expect and a small amount foams up so much.

I personally still love to pump loads of this onto a shower puff or flannel as it feels really luxurious on the skin and really moisturising. I would definitely buy this again based on this alone!

However it also comes in beautiful packaging with quotes written on that I absolutely love, and it also lasts FOREVER!
I've been using it for weeks and only a small amount has gone so this is well worth the money.

I'd repurchase....but I think this will keep me going until Christmas where obviously my mum has already been hinted at (I circled the Boots catalogue!) and she'll be getting me the set again ;)

L xxx

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