Saturday 13 October 2012

Review: Origins Out of Trouble mask

So following my massive haul from America (post here) I've been using this like its water.

Origins Out of Trouble 10 Minute mask to Rescue Skin is a thick white mask that you apply for 10 minutes before washing off with a muslin cloth.

As I've mentioned many many many times before my skin has been playing up no end the past few months.
It's always been oily but for some reason has decided to become dry and giving me some marvelous breakouts, some of which are acne standard.

I manage to cover these up with make up but clearly this doesn't help the problem at all!

So I've been using this mask once or twice a week to help clear my skin of blemishes.

My normal routine is to cleanse my skin using Liz Earle C&P and then apply this whilst watching a film, reading, doing uni work etc.

It really does help to mop up excess oil, the cooling sensation and tingling helps calm any redness around spots and has managed to clear some spots completely in the time I've left it on for.
They recommend you leave it on for 10 minutes, I'd say do this as a minimum.

I often leave mine on for 30 minutes to ensure my skin has been cleansed as much as possible and think leaving it on for longer does work, and definitely doesn't cause any harm!

This contains Zinc oxide, Sulphur, Camphor and Salicylic acid so is a dream for problem skin!

I really can't rave about this enough.

I often follow it with the Drink Up Intensive mask to hydrate the areas of my skin that have been drier recently for a face mask double whammy though I only do this once a week max!

As you can see from the last picture the mask is thick and white which means when you apply it you probably don't want to be around anyone ;)

Have you tried this mask before? Do you love it as much as me?

It won't give you miraculously amazing skin after one use, but it was definitely cool redness, mop up oil and reduce the size and swelling of spots.

What other masks do you use? I've used so much of this I will NEED more....soon!

L xxx


Friday 12 October 2012

A/W NOTD: Nails Inc's Victoria

After rooting around in my nail varnish box, I found this old Autumn/Winter favourite from Nails Inc.

It hasn't been used much, mainly as the job I had up until the beginning of this year was working with food and so wearing nail varnish is a huge no no!
So I was limited to wearing it when going out and I normally went for a metallic or glitter.

This year I will be making full use of the opportunity to wear whatever nail polish I like!

As I had my MSc presentation this week, I decided to dress up smart (charcoal wide leg trousers and a black blouse, then I added my studded pumps to mix it up a bit!)
This obviously also included my nails!

It was the perfect opportunity to keep things simple with a dark classic colour, so I went for Victoria.
I have loved the colour of this when I've worn it especially as I never thought I'd like it.

With a top coat on you can see what a gorgeous deep red brown it is and how super shiny it can look!

The colour from the bottle barely does it justice.

I can see myself wearing this a lot over the coming months as its so classic it will go with everything.

Do you own Victoria? Are you a lover or hater? 

I'm really looking forward to winter as it's my favourite.
I love summer clothes but as we rarely get the good weather I ADORE winter clothes for being able to wear them!

Jumpers, jeans, boots, scarfs i love them all!
I'm going to be doing a series of A/W inspired nail colours now that I can wear them all without being told off by my boss!

What's your favourite thing about winter?

L xxx

Thursday 11 October 2012

Bloggers Unite to Lose Weight - America this

Hey All

My first proper post since my holiday. I had lots scheduled for when I was away so posts would still go up on my days off. My holiday was amazing. I think I will do a nosey photo post of it soon as I love looking at people's photos. 

This was the gorgeous view I was greeted with when I arrived at the hotel. I love the moody sky.
Breakfast Day 1 part 1
So the past two weeks I've been eating what I want. I'd said in previous posts I was going to restrict myself on holiday as it's a holiday and it's America. Full of naughty food treats and boy did I go all out on the food. Who can resist pancakes for breakfast. Especially American ones. I didn't spend much holiday laid down and spent 6 full days out of 7 at the parks so I did walk a lot and swim a bit too.

Day 1 part 2

While there I had 3 breakfasts like this
So the bad news. Over the past two weeks I've gained 4 and a half lbs. Not too bad could have been worse and I'm thinking positive that I've still lost 9lbs in 9 weeks. 

This had to happen Chilli Cheese Fries (best thing ever) and spicy chicken (I did eat the celery)
Diet wise now I'm back calorie counting starts again tomorrow (my food shop gets delivered tonight). I'm going to be upping my weekly calories to 1500 ish now during the week and sensible but what I want food at the week. I'm hoping this will give me the best of both worlds, with tasty meals, not feeling deprived and still losing a small amount like 1/2lb a week. I think this will more be easy to stick to.

The most beautiful steak I've ever had
I will be back to logging my food on MyFitnessPal (if you have it send me your name.) I love this app. It's brilliant and I don't think I'd have stuck so long at my weight loss with out it. It makes tracking what you eat so easy and there are lots of lovely people around for inspiration on bad days.

Roast beef, cheese and gravy Man V Food style sandwich
Exercise weight I'm unsure of at the moment. My knees are back hurting lately so a trip to the Doctors is needed when I get round to it. I really need to motivate myself to exercise in the flat. Especially as winter is drawing in and running when it's dark around by me isn't the safest.

The Last Day meal
Winter makes it hard but I'm thinking lots of tasty soups and warming meals from The Hairy Dieters book. I'm going to do a chilli, ginger and butternut squash  and a minestrone soup this week so I'll try and include those recipes next week aswell.

Washed down with a mint choc chip ice cream
I also need to be better at resisting the Starbucks at uni, not only is it a waste of money it's not great calorie wise even though I do go skinny. I also need to get my partner back out of his Domino's addiction. A low calorie pizza recipe would be appreciated if anyone has one.

My gorgeous hand luggage!! How cute is this. Just had to share it.
Hope you are all doing well. Sorry for the photos of my naughty food from holiday if your diets are going well. As you can see I fully went for it. What are your winter weight loss tips?

Love M


Wednesday 10 October 2012

List Love

I have a really big love of lists and I've no idea why that hasn't translated into my blog posts, but I figured it was time it had to happen!
I have notebooks everywhere around my room, in my bags and generally around the house with lists for anything you can imagine.

For my first list I thought I'd break in gently with a general 'Lust List'.

There's so much right now that I'm lusting over and I thought it would be a fun post to make a wish list and see if you share the same ones as me!

Here's my Top 5 Beauty Products to lust over at the moment:

Clarins Odyssey Eye Quartet Mineral Palette

This needs no introduction and absolutely no explanation.
Look at the casing!
And that gold just has to be mine.

Bobbi Brown Desert Twilight Palette

This is an absolutely perfect palette of shimmery nudes.
I haven't even seen it in store yet but still want it.
I have a friend who works for BB, will have to get her to give me a make over ;)

Alpha H Liquid Gold Serum

I've been using the Liquid Gold recently and have been loving the effects.
Ruth from A Model Recommends uses this on the nights she doesn't use the Liquid Gold, for perfect skin I would like to do the same!
Hopefully then all of my scars and spots will permanently leave my face.

Origins Make A Difference Gel

I had a sample of this from the Origins counter and loved it, it's a beautiful light gel that absorbs straight into your skin leaving no residue but fully hydrating.
Loved it!


M already has this and we recently posted about it on our Sunday posts as I had the chance to use it for a night out.
Obviously as everyone else has I fell in love instantly and would quite happily apply it all over every day!
What a look ;)

So that's what I'm currently lusting over...there's plenty more to come but I thought I'd stick to beauty for now.

Do you love lists? I'm already planning my next one, there are a lot of clothes, shoes and bags I have my eyes on!
What do you have your eye on at the moment?

L xxx

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