Thursday 27 September 2012

Bloggers Unite to Lose Weight

Today I'm doing this as a chatty post. I've not really got any photos to show.

First of all I'll start with the positives. I've lost 3lb this week. So I've now lost the stone I wanted to before my holiday (which is on saturday)

The rest of this post isn't a very positive one. As I'm sure most of you who have dieted will know it's full of ups and downs and this is a down week for me.

At the moment I'm feeling tired a lot and I'm feeling achy constantly. I'm not sure if I'm just really tired or whether it could be down to not eating enough. I try to eat 1200 calories or less at the moment. But I only do this Mon-Fri.

Exercise is non existant as I'm achy a lot of time. I also thought when I'd lost the stone I'd be happy to maintain. I'm not I still feel my bottom half is to big for the rest of my figure.

I go on holiday on Sunday. My plan is to eat what I want but at least swim daily in the morning and maybe take advantage of the gym.

I'm trying to decide where to go forward with my diet plan and tips would be appreciated. 1200 calories is enough for me. I'm not hungry during the week and don't feel like I'm depriving myself but I think after I get back I will up it to 1400 to see if it makes a difference to my energy levels.

My next struggle is I don't know where to add the calories on to. I don't want to get back into eating unhealthy meals. I'm thinking maybe more meat is needed.

I feel I'm losing a battle at the moment. I'm not hungry but think I really need to eat more. Any tips?

Bit of an all of over the place post from me today.

Don't forget to check out how


for their updates later :)

Love M


Wednesday 26 September 2012

Reunion Night Out!

Me and M both went out together on Saturday for a reunion...

Needless to say we spent the entire week getting ready (scrubbing, moisturising, tanning....) and possibly spent longer getting ready than we did actually out ha!

Here's what we ended up looking like:

For the first time ever I put rollers in my hair to see if I could get a better bounce to my roots that lasts longer than curling with a wand.
It did give more root lift but unfortunately the curls dropped out pretty quick so had to get my trusty Remington curling wand out for some emergency curling before we left!
Maybe I just need to practice, does anyone have any tips for using heated rollers?

M did the same with her hair and it seems to have stayed a lot better than mine!

I had an orangey red dress from Miss Selfridge on and M had her lush new dress from the Julien MacDonald range in Debenhams 

The photo is a little blurry unfortunately (drunken friends taking pictures!) 
I wore my trusty tan wedges for height and comfort and M had her new heels from Dorothy Perkins which I absolutely love and am so jealous!
Perfect mid heel and a gorgeous leopard print. (and in the sale too if you're quick!)

For our make up we both had on Mac ProLongwear with a bit of Rimmel Wake Me Up for the glowy look.
We both had on heaps of eyeliner (Maybellines Eye Studio Gel Liner) and Mac's MSF in Soft and Gentle which is the first time I've used it and cannot believe how amazing it is!

I will definitely be purchasing that as soon as I get myself a job!
I wore a Kate Moss for Rimmel lipstick in shade 12, an orange red, and M wore my Mac Russian Red.

I always seem to do similar make up on a night out so I'm thinking next time I need to go back to being a bit more adventurous with my eyeshadows and blushers/bronzers.

We had a lush night drinking and dancing and spent the day afterwards catching up on X factor and painting our nails! Perfect weekend :)

How do you like doing your make up for a Saturday night out? Do you enjoy spending time getting ready?
What's your favourite products to use for a night out?

L xxx

Tuesday 25 September 2012

DIY Wedding Planner Book

Hey All

I fancied doing a bit of different post for you today. I love doing all things crafty and used to make a lot of my own cards at one point.

One of my friends from back home got engaged recently. Her boyfriend text me a few days before to let me know he was going to do it so that I would go down and visit them that evening.

After spending a good 8 years discussing what our future weddings would be I wanted to get her a special useful present. I thought a wedding planner would be a great idea so she could keep all her ideas, appointments and details all in one place.

Due to only have 3 days to get it, I knew online shopping wasn't an option so I started to look up and down Cardiff centre. I found myself quickly disapointed with what was on offer. Tacky covers or not worth £20 for a plastic folder.

I decided then I'd make it, I could personalise it, have it tailored to her and it would be how I wanted. After an expensive trip to paperchase (who knew glue was expensive, I had no time to raid cheap shops as it was Friday evening I got my supplies and started making)

DIY wedding planner engagement gift

As it was a Wedding planner I picked the heart book which was around the £9 mark. It has black pages which I though looked nice. I picked up heart confetti to decorate the book and pages with, The pink and gold paper was to decorate title pages and I also got document holders, pritt stick, a silver pen and sellotape, The pink was cheaper and seemed appropriate.

My first task was to count the pages in the book and think of all the headers I needed. For example I had dress, food, venue, budget, catering, menswear, flowers, table decoration, photographer, entertainment and a few other.

DIY wedding planner engagement gift

I started by writing wedding planner on the front of the book and sticking little confetti hearts in the middle of the hearts. I really liked how this book had a pink tie to keep it all together too.

DIY wedding planner engagement gift

You can still slightly see the guide lines here where I haven't fully rubbed them out. For the first page I got a nice photo of them and wrote the date of the engagement.

DIY wedding planner engagement gift

For each of my header pages I wrote the title for the section and used some of the pretty fabric paper to make each page look nice.

For each mini header I wrote a small title at the top of the page and put hearts either side so she would have plenty of room to write. For each category I thought of I then thought of the sub categories she would need to think of to complete that. For example for the dress I had pages for inspiration, shops and appointments and dress documents, For catering there were places to visit, tasting and final menus. (People think when someone proposes to me I'll be a bridezilla, I have no idea why, I just know what I want and the little details matter ha!!!)

DIY wedding planner engagement gift

For sections I thought that needed documents I cut the A4 document holders in half and stuck them down. I thought having these would make it easy and then everything she needed would be in one place.

I was so pleased I made it as my friend really loved it and said she couldn't believe I had done it all for her so quick. She is now well into her wedding planner and has told me the book is well used.

It's made me want to do more handmade gifts. I think they can sometimes be more special.

What do you think of this? Are you married? Did you have a book? Is it wrong to make myself one just for inspiration ;) I could be like Monica ha!

Love M



Monday 24 September 2012

Lipstick Monday's No7 Starshell

I enjoyed it when I was sharing my lipstick collection with you all before so have decided to bring it back. Plus my addiction to lipstick is making it grow quicker than I expected it too. Last year I probably owned one or two and rarely used them, now if I go out without some lipstick on I feel like my make up isn't complete. 

This lipstick is No7 Starshell. I love getting the £5 off vouchers and stocking up on lipsticks. (I'm gutted they seem to only be £3 off make up this time, I'll only be stocking up on skincare with the vouchers this time)

This is a soft, slightly shimmery, peachy orange shade. It's £9 and one of their moisture drench lipstick formulas. Beware the swatches online and the colours in store don't match what the actual colour is well so I'd recommend searching online for posts or some hand swatching in boots.

No7 has just under gone a repackaging. This lipstick is one of their old packaging. The new packaging is much sleeker and more expensive looking. I really like the new look.

As for staying power and quality of the lipstick. I like it, it's easy to wear lasts ok and doesn't dry my lips........but I wouldn't pay £9 for it. I just don't think it's worth it.

Apologies for the blurry photo, my camera struggles to focus on my lips for some reason. As you can see it's a subtle shade with a hint of gold shimmer through a natural orange peach shade. 

Have you tried No7 Moisture Drench lipsticks? What colours do you love? Will you still be buying No7 make up now the vouchers are for £3? I'll be spending mine on the eye make up remover as it's really amazing!!

Love M


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