Hey All
Hope you had great weekends. Mine was a busy one after a day/night out on Saturday and heading home to Somerset yesterday to spend Mother's Day with my Mum.
When I was home last weekend I was extremely hungover and ended up leaving stuff behind including the necklace my other half got me last year
year. I'm very sentimental about jewellery and always where that necklace and two rings from my parents. As he's currently away with work (3 and a half weeks till I get him back!) I was gutted I wouldn't have my necklace for a week. After a skype last Monday I casually mentioned I'd left it behind but at least I'd get it back in a week.
So on Wednesday I got home from work to find a parcel I wasn’t expecting and opened it up to find this beauty. I'd sent him the photo of it a month ago in passing as I'm desperate for a skeleton face watch and the necklace reminded me of it. I was so surprised he'd ordered it for me.

It's even more beautiful im real life. It's also quite unusual which I love. If I had to describe my jewellery taste it would probably be unique. The pieces I like to wear everyday I like to be different.
I have it in silver but the pendant can come im gold and rose gold. Lady Charlotte is also the largest. When people have seen it in real life they've always commented on it smaller than they thought. At about the size of a 10p I think it's perfect. I wouldn't want it any bigger. You can also get different chain materials and lengths but as mine was a gift I don't know what my other half picked.
I love the detail on it. It also ticks if you shake it. How amazing is that. If you go on Rodology's Instagram page you can see a video of mine ticking. I love the little hints of red in the watch's mechanism too.
They also have cool cufflinks on the site.
Have you heard of Rodology. You should check them out if not at www.rodology.co.uk.
Love M