If you've been reading this blog for a while then you'll know that I've been jobless and therefore a little bit poor for quite a while now.
But obviously writing this and also being the spendaholic that I am I end up buying items that I mostly could live without.
Obviously I broke my spending ban again by going on a few little shopping trips and surfing eBay at home!
My first trip was into town and I ended up in Internacionale where I picked up a number of bracelets which were on offer, buy one get one half price.
For the past year I've mostly been obsessed wth make up, skin care and various other related products but my focus seems to have shifted recently to clothes, bags, shoes and jewellery!
I couldn't resist these bracelets, they look good together and with other items in my collection that can be added to any outfit to dress up/dress down
I loooooooove how shiny and sparkly they looked in the sun!
Definitely can't wait to be rocking these for the rest of the year, I love spikes and skulls and these were made for me.
They're currently all available in Internacionale and because of their deal (think its buy one get one half price) costs me about £8....bargain!
My next trip was to Matalan.
Between me and M we'd heard about their peplum tops somewhere along the grape vine and my mum promised she'd take me if I finished a part of my work. Incentives work ya know!
So I hastily typed my way to finishing the section of my diss and she took me there.
Funnily enough I text M whilst there to send her a picture of the peplums, where she replied saying she was also in Matalan but at home (which is a few hundred miles away!).
This was just too funny, not even spoken to each other all day yet happen to be in the same shop!
Definitely worth a trip down there if you're passing as there's some really good stuff there at the moment!
L xxx

I loooooooove how shiny and sparkly they looked in the sun!
Definitely can't wait to be rocking these for the rest of the year, I love spikes and skulls and these were made for me.
They're currently all available in Internacionale and because of their deal (think its buy one get one half price) costs me about £8....bargain!
My next trip was to Matalan.
Between me and M we'd heard about their peplum tops somewhere along the grape vine and my mum promised she'd take me if I finished a part of my work. Incentives work ya know!
So I hastily typed my way to finishing the section of my diss and she took me there.
Funnily enough I text M whilst there to send her a picture of the peplums, where she replied saying she was also in Matalan but at home (which is a few hundred miles away!).
This was just too funny, not even spoken to each other all day yet happen to be in the same shop!
So here are Matalan's peplum tops.
I ended up buying the black and the white, though I wanted the maroon coloured one also in my store and the blue one M found in her store!
I was surprised as although they're less than half the price of the Topshop ones (coming in at £12 I think!) they're actually pretty good and fit really well.
I was also surprised that I liked the white one so much as I normally avoid lighter colours and expected it to be a bit see through but it wasn't at all.
In fact I forgot I took this photo in the changing room and here's what the white looked like on!
I think they're an absolute bargain and cannot wait to go out wearing them.
I also picked up some new leggings with zips on the hips (ooh!)
These are really thick and good quality, I only had to throw out my old ones as they went a bit grey after 2 years of hard core wearing so would definitely recommend these (£12 Papaya make in Matalan)
Also as if it was my lucky day these bags were right at the front of the store:
There were a few different colour combos but I picked up the navy and black one as I was instantly drawn to it whilst my mum struggled to choose between the camel and black, bottle green and black and the plum and black.
To be honest at the time these were down from £12 to £5 so I told her to pick up 2 and I can't even remember which one she actually picked up!
Definitely worth a trip down there if you're passing as there's some really good stuff there at the moment!
And last but not least my latest product buys (inevitably they exist too!)
I'm sure you're aware but both me and M have been struggling with our skin recently and having read much about Alpha H Liquid Gold we were both looking forward to trying it, but obviously skint students don't have much of a fund to use!
Eventually though the angry scars left on my face got to me and I found an ebay seller who had it for £25 with free postage so I instantly snapped it up.
After one use I've seen a difference and hopefully it will continue to improve (will be doing a full post on it!)
For those who don't know what it is, basically you use it as you would a toner after cleansing.
Pour some onto a cotton pad and swipe it over your face avoiding eyes and lips.
Then to let it work most effectively do NOT apply moisturiser, just eye cream if you want.
The main active ingredient in this is glycolic acid which helps to ward off any blemishes, heal scars and fight ageing, I was instantly won over by these multi tasking properties!
A full review will be up in a few weeks with pictures of the offending marks for you to decide if it was worth it or not.
Because of the acid effects, using SPF is a complete must so I purchased Avene high protection SPF for intolerant skin.
I've been meaning to get into using SPF and some of my moisturisers have it and others don't, so eventually I just bought this to be done with it and am hoping it doesn't cause me to break out having an extra layer on my face all day.
For £3 I couldn't help but want to see what the fuss was all about with the thermal spring water.
Me and M have had many conversations about it and whether it actually works and in a moment of weakness I snapped up a mini canister to try out whilst working at home on my dissertation.
I'm looking forward to wearing and using these products asap!!
What have you been buying recently? Have you picked up any bargains?