Happy Sunday lovelies!
As its bank holiday weekend I hope you're not nursing too much of a hangover....there's still another night of madness to go!
As its bank holiday weekend I hope you're not nursing too much of a hangover....there's still another night of madness to go!
As a tea drinker most of my needs are catered for. Feeling down? Have a brew. Eaten too much? Hit the peppermint tea. Need to calm down and get a good nights sleep? Try some camomile.
Sometimes though....it's just not enough. This is where the Peanut Hottie comes in.
Sometimes though....it's just not enough. This is where the Peanut Hottie comes in.

As one of the biggest fan of peanut butter, I cannot believe there hasn't been a drink like this created sooner!
At only 83 calories this is amazing and so simple to make. Just boil some water, add your sachet to a mug and pour the water over. Very technical!

I'd had a long week at work and decided that my Friday night treat was going to be this. It looks a hell of a lot like tea but smells exactly like peanut butter, it was a weird mix of senses for me!

I really enjoyed the taste of it and it definitely tasted like hot peanut butter although it was very sweet. As a tea drinker normally this took some getting used to but i really enjoyed it and it was the perfect Friday treat for me!
The only downside I can see is that it contains a large amount of sugar and could probably have less in it without taking away from the taste. PB is known for being salty and I'm not suggesting the drink needs to be like that at all but its possibly a bit too sweet for me.
Having said that I'd definitely drink it again and would probably buy a few sachets to keep in the cupboard for times of need!
What do you think of Peanut butter? Would you like to try a Peanut Hottie drink too?
L xxx

Morning All
Like L I'm a huge peanut butter addict. I'd say I have it probably 6 days a week. It goes well with every breakfast or a great snack with a banana! As soon as we were offered to try it I jumped at the chance! Another way to add peanut butter to my diet.
I do try to eat a healthyish diet now but sweet things and junk food are a bit of a weakness for me. For me lately I've been struggling to give up chocolate and biscuits. I really need to cut it out or go back to making myself healthier alternatives.
L is great and has given up most of it but for me I still need a sweet fix. Due to this I don't find it too sweet as I'm still a bit of a sugar addict.
I've been loving having these as a sweet treat to perk me up through a crappy day! They can also be added to porridge and such for a nutty treat!
I can't wait to try adding these to icing and try baking with them. I've also seen a recipe online where it was used in a stir fry. The recipes and more information can be found at http://peanuthottie.com/
I'm loving these as a little sweet pick me up and they are helping with my peanut butter addiction. I'll be definitely re purchasing. Peanut hottie can be found in selected Sainsburys, Waitrose and Booths.
Love M