Monday 1 October 2012

NOTD Avon Midnight Green

This is one of the newer polishes in my collection and it's so beautiful and perfect for winter. It's on of Avon's New Pro+ shade. This is the shade Winter Green and is a bargain £3 at the moment (found here)

It's a really pretty dark green with a slight shimmer through it. It's a really easy to apply. The brush is a good size and holds a good amount of polish without it leaving a big blog on the finger.

After one coat I was impressed, no streaking and was good enough to be left but out of habit I did two.

It looks really dark in some lights then you see a really nice green shimmer through it in other lights.

This will definitely be a winter favourite for me. I love it, it's lasts really well as well. A really impressive polish for me.

Love M


Sunday 30 September 2012

Kim Kardashian Contouring

You've probably seen the Kim Kardashian contouring pictures allllllllllllllllll over the internet.

She claims that she applies her foundation, then applies an extremely light concealer to certain areas of her face, followed by a much darker concealer or bronzer to other areas and blends them to create a flawless contoured and sculpted face that gives you cheekbones like nothing else!

Last Sunday when we were feeling a little worse for wear after our night out (post here) we decided to give it a go and here are the results!

Firstly we applied our foundation as normal (I used Rimmel Wake Me Up and M used Revlon Colorstay)

Then we applied the lightest concealer we owned to our foreheads, under eyes, nose and chin:

As were both really pale, the concealer wasn't as light as it could have been so maybe we'd be better off investing in an almost white one, if anyone's got any ideas of a super light concealer let us know!

Next you apply a darker concealer or bronzer to under your jaw line, the sides of your nose, temples, and also in the hollow of your cheek bones:

At this point we were reeeeeeeeeeeeeally freaked out at how ridiculous we looked and weren't really sure what it was going to turn out like!
We used my St Tropez bronzer as we didn't have anything else dark enough and it actually worked quite well.
For future use though we both think a super dark concealer or liquid bronzer would work much easier and blend to give a better finish.

After applying both of these products to your face in this really quite hilarious way (we wondered if it was just a big joke on us....) you then take whatever brush you have to buff and blend the products into your foundation giving a look like below:

As you can see our faces look a lot more contoured and we have cheekbones to die for all because of this simple (if a little time consuming!) trick.

We carried on and applied our make up in a KK style, lots of eyeliner, super lashes and defined brows!
And don't forget the nude lippie... (Creme Cup if you were wondering!)

So what do you think??? Here's the final look:

It makes me laugh looking at the photos as we even have similar poses without even knowing it!
Also check out the difference between our skin colours just by using different phones, the iPhone definitely makes you look more orange!

We loved the look this contouring effect gave us and would definitely use it more often.
However it's a little time consuming for every day and maybe not to wear to the labs.....

What do you think? Would you try this effect on your face for a Saturday night out?

I will definitely be using it more!!

L xxx

Saturday 29 September 2012

Recent Purchases

I've mentioned lots of times how I'm on a spending ban yet seem to keep buying things due to my overdraft, sneaky!

It really has come to the depths now (sad face!) but luckily for me my mum took me shopping to encourage me to finish my dissertation when I was feeling really down about it all last week.
It's rather a long post with lots of pictures but if you're anything like me I love seeing what everyone buys, so make yourself a brew and get comfy and enjoy :)

Here's what I bought!

Bottle green skin y jeans with gold zips - £15 from Primark

I saw these and loved them but I have issues buying trousers in Primark as I'm tall and rarely does anything fit!
But I was SO surprised to find these did and they wear pretty well too.
For £15 they're an absolute bargain and I will be going back and getting some more as soon as a job finds me!!!

Next up were these gorgeous scarfs.
I love scarves and general winter clothes so these were an exciting buy for me (yes really!)

There's a flowing black one with studs to wrap around and do whatever style you please, plus a grey snood with owls on.
Owls are a bit of a thing for me so this was perfect!
Both of these were also Primark and I think £4 each.

Next was this really cute blouse:

I love blouses like these and wear my other ones to death.
This has an updated collar and buttons though which make it look more expensive than the couple of pound it cost! (can't remember exact number I'm afraid!)

Next are these gorgeous belts:

I'm a sucker for a black waist belt with metal detailing as I really love the cinched in look and also the rock chick look, so this Primark beauty was again perfect and I think £4 too!
The gold studded belt is absolutely beautiful and from Warehouse.
It comes in at a rather more pricey £18  in comparison with my other buys but its gold, studded and general perfection for everything that I wear!

(I also got 20% off the Warehouse belt as I got it from Debenhams at a 20% off day! So worth waiting for!)

I love my gold and although i own lots of silver items, they don't seem to get a look in at the moment!

This is why I ended up also grabbing this cuff and collar necklace in Primark:

You can see the prices on the tags still. I've wanted a collar necklace forever but hadn't found one I liked.
If anyone has a suggestion of a plain gold collar necklace i could get at an affordable price let me know please!
I haven't found any recently.

Lastly, I can't go into Primark and not buy shoes.
I wear their pumps and brogues until they fall apart (quite literally!)

These studded bad boys are perfect for the winter (if I don't wear them to death by then!) and the brogues are a firm staple in my wardrobe.
I can't see me being without them for a while, I've been wearing them for years as they go with everything, are so comfy and in a lovely metallic shade can be worn out too!

My last purchase in the shops comes in the form of my very own pair of disco pants:

These were from Alice & You at Debenhams (not on their website but apparently also sold at Dorothy Perkins.
I picked these up for £24 due to their being 20% off in Debenhams (originally £30)
I've worn them already and they are so damn comfy.
I feel like an extra from Grease but oh my they look and feel amazing!

Lastly are 2 other eBay purchases I've got recently.
Firstly a metal belt:

I've wanted a belt like this for AGES and originally bought the Celeb boutique one when I bought a dress as the belt was half price when you bought one.
However the dress wasn't great and I had to send it back so sent the belt back too.
Long story short this was £5 on ebay and I just HAD TO HAVE IT.
You know the feeling!

Finally I bought these metal collar clips to update all of my shirts:

I know for a fact that I will want the shirts currently in fashion that are covered in cute collar clips.
I thought why not waste the money on buying new shirts when the clips cost a measly £2 off ebay and I can put them on whatever shirt I want!

So there's my buys....rather a long post sorry about that!

What's on your list for Winter??
I really want some of the other colours in the Primark jeans and no doubt I'll be looking for a new coat, have you seen any must haves yet?

L xxx

(p.s. I feel like I should definitely mention my mum here, she bought me all of the Primark stuff as she's so amazing! If she ever finds my blog maybe she'll read this....thanks mum you're the best!)

Friday 28 September 2012

Review: W7 Eyebrow Kit

If you've seen pictures of me before then you'll know I have long dark hair and super pale skin.
This leaves me with eyebrows that are black and can be hard to fill in due to my paleness and also the fact that many dark shades for brows are very red toned and quite frankly look ridiculous on me.

I've previously posted about Mac's Eyebrow Pencil and I absolutely love it still as it's the perfect shade for me and goes on like a dream.
However it's expensive and I'm poor, so I'm trying to save it for nights out etc and recently came across this W7 version in a Savers store by me.

Me and M wandered in 'by accident' and ended up picking up a few goodies!
I'd never been in one before so had no idea what to expect really.

However after seeing this palette which came with 2 different brushes and a load of eyebrow stencils I couldn't help but put it in my basket for a mere £3.99

As you can see the palette itself has 4 shades with a mini brush for updates on the go.

You can see that there is a pretty damn good range of colours.
For me though, the bottom 2 were the best.

Number 3 was the absolute perfect shade for my brows as it was dark enough and not red toned, but not the black that my eye brows actually are (which can sometimes look like they've been permanent markered onto my forehead - not a good look!)

For every day use this palette is a savvy shoppers dream, No.3 is perfect eye brow colour, No.4 lines my eyes, No.1 highlights my brow bone and can be used as an overall wash on the eye, and No.2 can be used in the crease.

So simple!

You can see the colours on my fingers below:

Apologies if my nails look dirty....they aren't, I just had a little issue with fake tan oops!
The colour payoff is pretty good for the price and lasts me all day and doesn't move from my brows which was something I was worried about.

This was a perfect bargain buy for me and I'm so pleased with it!
The brushes that came with it are a larger version of the one you can see and a comb which probably won't get much use as I use either Mac or Real Techniques ones but the mini is good for touch ups.

I haven't used the stencils either but there are 3 different lengths/thicknesses which should suit most brow shapes.

Ultimately all you're missing from this is a mirror!

I'm super impressed and as my first W7 product I would definitely be interested in buying more.

What do you think of W7? I've seen a few of their nail polishes I'd love!
What do you have from them???

L xxx
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